Poll Subject: KY Lube : Enemy, Friend, Frenemy?  single choice [Show Voters]
Enemy : She should be instantly wet at sight of me
Friend : My dick is too big and KY helps me to get it in
Frenemy : Prefer natural wetness, but KY keeps things purring
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Subject: KY Lube : Enemy, Friend, Frenemy?
doghead (dog)
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Post at 3-5-2011 14:20  Profile P.M. 
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KY Lube : Enemy, Friend, Frenemy?

From reading many reports, KY lube is the bane of many bros. I can understand not liking tasting KY while daty but bros still hate it when applied for intercourse. Yet there are other bros who know KY is their dear 3rd-party friend who helps them have a great session with the wgs.

I myself do appreciate girls getting wet for me after some nice foreplay but practical enough to realize that some girls are tighter than others and pussies can dry out quickly from the friction built-up from the latex rubbing on their pussy lips. There have been times in the middle of the shag I have asked the girls to apply some KY or lube as it looks like I was going to last too long during that session. Some sessions had to come to an early end for the lack of lube.  So to me KY lube is a frenemy.
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Post at 3-5-2011 15:43  Profile P.M. 
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Sometimes, if the pussy is already not tight and they apply KY, I think I would have more fun jacking off!

They should have a penis size to pussy size index before being allowed to apply KY.

Enemy, unless pussy tightness is a problem then they allowed to apply, but not before testing the hole.
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Post at 3-5-2011 21:13  Profile P.M. 
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Agreed the latex can dry things up and can prevent her from continued enjoyment.  If her moans and excitement slow down cuz of this it becomes a downer for me.  I have no problem with reinforcements when necessary.
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Post at 30-9-2011 12:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 doghead's post

Why label the stuff?  

It's a toy, no more no less - use it when it makes things more fun, leave it when you don't need it ...

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Post at 12-10-2011 21:17  Profile P.M. 
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Prefer natural lube - not a big fan of KY because when I'm covered, feeling is reduced and then more lube makes it even less feeling.  One WG had a trick - she put a small dab of KY at the tip my bro before putting condom on.  Said it would make me feel more.  It did and still does!  However, if you put too much your bro starts sliding out of the condom as you go along...

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yazoo   25-6-2012 22:08  Karma  +1   Hmm good tip!
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Post at 10-4-2012 09:42  Profile P.M. 
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Usually a friend 4 me

I actually travel with a small bottle.  Sure, I'd dig it if she was dripping wet but most times I find that it is more fun for both of us with a little lube.  A little fingering goes well with lube and tends to make the girl relax more allowing really deep, more aggressive fingering if you like that  (personally, I always like to play find the cervix and give it a little rubbing - it is amazing how much they vary woman to woman).  Definitely put some on your cock before you put on the 'dom, transmits the feeling much better as the latex adheres to the skin giving better sensitivity. And with a young very tight girl, I wouldn't even consider it without it.

But, I will say that too much with an older bigger puss and there is often not enough friction for a good fucking.  Then I just pull out and wipe a bit off.  Most are water soluble so they evaporate pretty quickly.
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Post at 10-4-2012 13:29  Profile P.M. 
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Lube; yes is ok when the meat is too big for the sleeve and the WG won't let your lick her cunny. KY - no. It is a very poor lube indeed.

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