actually bro, i thought that it would be a close contest between the HGs and 141 walkups,
did not really expect that the gap in popularity between the two to be so wide. to be frank,
i kind of thought that the macau SNs would clinch the title despite its one obvious drawback
(i.e. high price). but this poll is throwing up all sorts of surprises
to all bros, please do put in a vote and lets see how this poll plays out. for bros who do put in
a vote for the 'Others' category, do tell us what this favourite concept of yours is (just like
bro sexpert and his xinhui KTV/SN hybrid in posts #12 and #14- sounds delicious!
also, for other bros polling for the listed categories, do share the reason why that particular
mongering concept appeals to you (like bro kenli's reason for choosing the macau SNs in post
#9 - its a real unique perspective!).