Originally posted by johndoe83 at 13-12-2009 08:35
I am in the 20-30 group. I'm 26. I too am surprised that the majority of members are 20-30. I figure that mongering is something for people in their 40s to 50s where their financial position allow ...
I'm the same as you. 26 as well, and was suprised when the results of the poll came out and 20-30 group was most popular.
I thought 40s and 50s would be higher as well.
In response to your question about chasing girls, for me it's not about it being cheaper than taking a girl dates. Mongering is easy... sometimes (especially after a long day at the office) you want a quick fuck, even if you got a girlF or wife, sometimes you want variety...don't think I could eat a steak everyday of the week, sometimes you want a hamburger LOL.
But dates are still good! I enjoy going to a nice restaurant with a nice girl and having nice convos. Sometimes I enjoy the challenge of going clubbing with my mates and chatting up a girl, makes you feel good when you pick them up and you know it aint because of your loot.
I've come up across a few working-girls who tell me that they like me and to come back and see them cause they're gonna miss me... Yeah right! Miss my wallet more like
Last edited by jloyd at 19-12-2009 09:08 ]