Originally posted by cantgetenough at 2-7-2008 07:43
I'm going to guess that walkups are the most common and on there we can debate about why this is the case....
Exactly my point! It's obvious that everything you've said is just that - a guess. Yet you insist on offering up sweeping generalizations about who uses computers and forums and who visits WGs. And it's based on nothing but your opinions and guesses. If you go back and read carefully, you'll see that I haven't drawn any conclusions at all on these issues. My point is that one should not pretend to know what one cannot deduce from the evidence, and you offer up no evidence other than what you think must be the case based on nothing but very limited experience and what your lazy mind has grown comfortable with. At this point, the honest thing to say would be that you really don't know how old the average punter is, and to insist otherwise is just stupid pigheadedness. Yet you've committed yourself and now you can't back down because you're one of those small-minded people who value face more than intellectual integrity.
I'm in my late fifties, and have always built my own PCs. I design databases, do extensive multimedia work, and hack my computers down to basic system-level functions. I'm no IT specialist, and never studied computer tech in college - but that was never necessary because a computer, on the user level, is just a simple dumb device. I taught myself to do this when almost 50. It happens all the time that I'll be sitting next to some college student in a coffee shop somewhere who can't manage to connect to the local wireless web, or who doesn't understand why he can't play a downloaded flac file in iTunes ("iTunes plays music doesn't it"). I've seen kids whose computers wouldn't start because the battery was loose, one kid who tried to plug his new iPod into the Ethernet port on his laptop, one kid who somehow booted his laptop into BIOS and sat there staring at the screen thinking he had broken Windows. I could fill pages with these examples.
You display a tendency I see all too often in forums. You think you know more than you do. And it's all bluff and wind.
In any case, you seem to be contradicting yourself - I say seem because that last paragraph is very confused - you imply that the poll provides useful info on the average age of the punter community. But you also say over-40's are less likely to use internet forums. So if over-40's are less likely to visit the forum, and therefore less likely to vote in the poll, how can the poll provide useful information?
But why on earth would I feel the poll results are "unjust"?! What does justice have to do with anything? I'm not advocating equal rights for the aged, you twit, I'm saying you don't know how to think.