Poll Subject: STD's and you  multiple choice : choose no more than 10 options [Show Voters]
Hepititus B
Gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae)
Syphilis (Treponema pallidum)
Jock Itch
Herpes simplex
Pubic lice
Chlamydia trachomatis
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Subject: STD's and you
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Post at 17-2-2009 20:51  Profile P.M. 
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yeah shit! 2 people with HIV..scary shit.

Hope you guys are taking or on the shortlist for cocktail medicines.

I wonder if our brothers with HIV are still banging wgs...better make a poll about it.

[ Last edited by  Ladiesman at 17-2-2009 20:53 ]
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Post at 18-2-2009 14:26  Profile P.M. 
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Relevance of polls

I hope no one seriously weighs their risks of catching something using the poll.
As others mentioned, some people who may have caught something might not wish to share it (who believes in anonymous electronic polling?!)

And while I am not into statistics much, I hope every one is aware that 100-200 votes are hardly statistically relevant. Margin of error is way too important on such a small amount of votes.

I answered donno on "whether I would bang WG poll if I had AIDS" because who knows what state of mind I would have between the moment I know about it and the moment I die? I probably would not even keep the same state of mind throughout the rest of my days.

I should have answered, YES, I would bang WGs if I contracted AIDS for sure. Reason being that I just had a blood check last week (because some other bullshit virus that tends to be on immune deficient people - I had 2.5 months 18 hours a day 7 days a week job), and I know I am clean, but I normally do not do blood tests that frequently. So I would most certainly go without knowing for a good 3 months (if I had a suspicion) if not 2-3 years!

I guess rather than trying to reassure oneself one can safely go bare on WGs, I should just take care with the extra skin. More interesting polls would be rather (even though they are unlikely to become statistically relevant either):
- Would you circumcise if it reduced your risk of conctracting AIDS by 10%? 20%? 30%? 50%? 70%? 100%? when going bare.
- Would you stop giving DATY bare if you knew that it is the main way to contract AIDS as a man?
- Did you ever give protected DATY?
- Quiz: How often do you have open wounds in your mouth without being aware of it?

Finally I would like to complain a little about the tone used towards the 2 votes of AIDS. It is very ugly to "oh my god" sentences. It is like saying "oh my god smoke causes lung cancer!". I smoke but I can not pretend not knowing the relation between the two. Same with AIDS. No one can pretend they are not aware it is out there.

The blokes who mentioned they have AIDS are people just like you or me but who probably had either a medical staff mistake (AIDS blood infusion) or poor judgement at some point of time in their life (needle share or BB). I feel lucky the WGs either automatically put on the extra skin or ask (to which I mechanically answer "yes"). If they would not, I would have probably had way more BB experiences. Either way, those people should also be entitled to have sex (as they probably still will have the same basic need) but we can hope they have the same capacity of judment and would not risk infection to others. If they and the WGs go safe, the girls should be safe. If we go safe, at least we will not contract it.
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Post at 11-4-2009 11:47  Profile P.M. 
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I seriously hope that who ever has AIDS or more likely HIV has stopped seeing the girls. There job is shit enough without people who know they are carrying the death bug going to see them. In the UK if you know you have HIV and then pass it onto a girl (wg or not) through unsafe sex you can be charged with a criminal offence which is that person dies from it, would be manslaughter (2nd degree murder).

Seriously if you have it, stay away from WGs - it's just not fair at all.
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Post at 12-4-2009 14:46  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by akka at 11-4-2009 11:47
Seriously if you have it, stay away from WGs - it's just not fair at all.

Totally agree! I get checked every month to be on the safe side. I don't see myself stopping the tests either, pretty much mandatory for me.
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Post at 12-4-2009 15:25  Profile P.M. 
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what can one catch getting bbbj??
or going down on a chick??
I havnt caught anything...  however i have never been tested... but after reading this i am going to go and get a test... better to be double safe...
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Post at 22-4-2009 09:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #66 cnf's post

Herpes comes to mind.
You can get a UTI if she has poor oral hygene

I got a UTI this way once, but not from a WG.

Edit: Viet Rose is syphilis,
Cauliflower dick, as my bro explains it, is something mostly guys with foreskins get- worse for those without.
Its swelling from rubbing your little bro raw, causes edema.
As i understand it, this is worse for circumcized cause it happens along the scar and can cut off blood flow.
You can get it if you don't wash properly after bareback too, i've had it happen from a mix of too many girls and too much masturbation. Ended up swollen to 6cm diameter and 16cm long soft, was pretty scary!
If it happens western doctor start pushing circumcision on you cause it can cut off bloodflow to head if its trapped outside of the foreskin, but i learned that its easy to compress head and pop it back in. You need antibiotics tho cause it causes infection that sustains it.

[ Last edited by  ouroboros at 22-4-2009 09:52 ]
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Post at 30-5-2009 22:56  Profile P.M. 
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No risk no gain.
Afraid to die, then stay at home, don't play.
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Post at 23-6-2009 20:07  Profile P.M. 
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Rest ASSured

As head of the 'elder's round table' you have nothing to worry about, but the shit singing 'please release me, let me go' in your bowels!
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Post at 1-7-2009 02:05  Profile P.M. 
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i was curious beside the a visually seeing some kinda of std, how many people actually go and get test done for std. for example i'm pretty sure i don't have hiv but i never got a test for it either and have not notice any symptoms that would lead me to believe i have it
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Post at 4-7-2009 09:10  Profile P.M. 
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Wow, The STD rate is much higher than I thought. Always practice safe!
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Post at 19-8-2009 18:43  Profile P.M. 
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A friend of mine took a WG back to his hotel last year. This was the 1st time he had done anything like this.

got back home, and found out he had caught Chlamydia, but also passed it onto his wife.....
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Post at 24-9-2009 11:38  Profile P.M. 
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Has anyone ever tried using these quick and simple self tests for HIV and Syphilis?

There are two different self test kits advertised here on the top of the forums. Has anyone bought or tried them out?
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Post at 27-9-2009 13:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #73 microbo's post

Anyone worried should see a doctor. I wouldn't trust a DIY kit. Also, there are plenty of other STDs that are far more common than HIV and Syphilis.

I'm NOT Jake !!
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Post at 30-9-2009 17:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #72 sacha1dog's post

Chlamydia is not as harmful on men as it is for women. Women that gets chlamydia will develop cervic cancer if not treated promptly. Even if cervic cancer is easily treated at its early stages, the womb damages would be irreversible. I highly recommend guys who got chlamydia to get their wives or gfs for a check up and refrain from having having sex until completely treated.
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Post at 16-10-2009 13:23  Profile P.M. 
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who is the 2 that have hiv/ aids? Do you go and visit  wg ? I likke to know who you guys      
see so i will stay away from them... Thank  you
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Post at 28-10-2009 16:11  Profile P.M. 
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I once had two pimples on my dick that were never there before. thought I might have contracted herpes or warts. went to see the doc and he checked it out and told me it is just pimples and nothing more. Strange though since i never get pimples down there, and these pimples lasted like 3 weeks or so.

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Post at 3-11-2009 12:06  Profile P.M. 
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Never caught any thing but I never used to do DATY! Now I cant go without it - will I be OK in HK bros?
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Post at 18-11-2009 18:08  Profile P.M. 
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this thread scares the hell out of me.  i've seen over 70 WG's worldiwide, but i get tested every 2 months, luckily for me i've never caught anything.  then again most of the girls in north america shave their public hair.
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Post at 19-11-2009 00:57  Profile P.M. 
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I got genital warts at uni from this girl I pulled in a night club. caught chlymidia twice. Once in BKK and once from Wan Chai when I was STUPID enough to go BB

Also like to add that I have not done this since as it really scared me. Luckilly I am OK but all I can say is if you play with fire you will eventually get burnt so always stay safe

[ Last edited by  matty at 19-11-2009 02:45 ]
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Post at 19-11-2009 01:00  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by microbo at 24-9-2009 11:38
Has anyone ever tried using these quick and simple self tests for HIV and Syphilis?

There are two different self test kits advertised here on the top of the forums. Has anyone bought or tried them o ...

Mate I was over in HK and I went to a sexual health clinic Neo after I had a stupid night in Wan Chai BB and he used one of these kits!!!! This gave me confidence in them if a Doctor uses them. Can only be used after 3 weeks though. Also I read up about them and they cant give a false negetive only a false positive...

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