Poll Subject: Groin hits with the boys  single choice [Show Voters]
I've done it, it's fun and funny
  10 (23.26%)
I've seen other guys do it, but I don't
  6 (13.95%)
No, it's gay and unacceptable
  27 (62.79%)

Subject: Groin hits with the boys
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Post at 15-12-2008 17:40  Profile P.M. 
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First time I heard of this! Just plain crazy.  

And if it is more a gentle stroke or caress then yeah: gay.

Done neither and am not planning on starting it
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Post at 15-12-2008 23:52  Profile P.M. 
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Don't even think about hitting me in the yambag!!  I may lose it and go medieval on you.

Hitting a guy in the teabag for a laugh is just f@cking stooopid.
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Post at 17-12-2008 08:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #40 jborne69's post

When you use the word YEEM (RISING TONE), usually it is with the hand making a scissor motion.  When you see the word YEEM, you don't think ultra rising tone, but I guess if one gets YEEMED, they will say it that way.  Do I still do it?  Yes, I am one immature mother fucker, but only with people I know well and my sons.  Today alone, we have had about 20 groin hits in my house alone between the four of us (myself and 3 boys) and it all started with 1 groin hit from my littlest one hitting the biggest one, the rest were residuals from retaliation and just horsing around.  But it all stops at bedtime because if they do that shit, they won't sleep and I make sure no more horseplay because my punishment is fierce, NO Wii, NO XBOX, and NO pSp for a week.  They could care less about television but threaten to take away their games and they will scrub the floors with toothbrushes if necessary..
Marsupial (Saint Marsupial)
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Post at 17-12-2008 16:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #43 sexpert's post

But Sexpert, ARE there any adult males in your life? I only ask because it's hard to imagine you doing this with anyone other than your boys - a practice they, no doubt, picked up from you. You might want to print them out out a copy of this poll so that they can make up their own minds about this and let them know that dick play is not acceptable guy behavior. Otherwise, they're going to be in for a rude shock if they try to take this out into the world with them; they'll learn very quickly that outside casa sexpert, this is going to mark them as infantile jerks, not to mention raise doubts about their sexuality.

One imagines future family reunions where 3 middle-aged guys and their old dad run around the living room playing slap dick.

And just where did you pick up this habit sexpert? Do you have this from your dad, or did it just seem like a fun thing for guys to do with each other. Beware of those spontaneous gestures bro, they betray our true desires. It's not every guy who would think to reach out and flick a friend's dick as a gesture of affection.

Originally posted by sexpert at 17-12-2008 08:53
Yes, I am one immature mother fucker, but only with people I know well and my sons.

Nice try big guy. Sexpert is admitting to the lesser charge in order to escape the more damaging one. He's so worried about being considered gay that he's willing to admit being immature.

[ Last edited by  Marsupial at 25-12-2008 13:13 ]

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也
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Post at 17-12-2008 20:42  Profile P.M. 
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I've only just come across this thread and, in my whole life, I've never heard of such a thing.
Hitting a guy's balls in fun? Yah gotta be kidding me.

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Post at 18-12-2008 10:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #44 Marsupial's post

Like I said before, I don't need to justify anything to you.  This is what I consider male bonding, this includes beating on one another, punching one another in the arm until one gives up in pain, arm wrestling, neck slaps, food throwing, drinking the other guy under the table, horseplay and guy stuff.  I figure a geek like yourself has never had a true male bonding experience with your father or brothers.  Missing high-5's should be your forte.  It's hard to explain this kind of stuff to someone who is socially inept, has no sense or responsibility of male family and friends, filial piety being alien, and everything else a LONER would be.  Dude, it's alright.  You could judge me all you want, but it really doesn't do anything to me.  But when you are home alone, eating that can of tunafish and drinking the milk,  I could do nothing but feel sorry for a loser like you.  Sigh... it's not easy being green.
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Post at 18-12-2008 13:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #46 sexpert's post


You appear to be very set in your ways and your attitudes.
You seem to need to compartmentalise everything, from race, to gender, to family roles.

I don't think I could ever be your friend, not because of the fact that I'd hate all the hittings and roughing up, but simply because I avoid insecure and incomplete people.

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Post at 18-12-2008 21:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #47 CunningLinguist's post

A lot of people might say that anyone who visits prostitutes on a regular basis is 'insecure and incomplete'.

But not me.    

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Post at 19-12-2008 00:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #48 Jake's post

There are all sorts of people in this world, at different degrees of mental balance.
There are all sorts of mongers in this world, at different degrees of mental balance.
There are all sorts of groin-hitters in this world, at different degrees of mental imbalance.

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Post at 21-12-2008 08:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #47 CunningLinguist's post

Perhaps you could not be my friend but if there were ever a time you were hanging out at a bar or something and minding your own business and some punks go up to you for no reason and start messing with you, you would want someone like me to slam a chair over one of them and fight side by side with you even if we knew we would be outnumbered and get our asses whooped.  I would also be that "friend" who would slam a chair over one of the punks head and grab your ass to run the fuck out of there.  And most of all I would be that "friend" who would NOT leave your ass alone if you were in any trouble.  I am not calling those out there who would simply run away or ditch their friend in danger simply because of self preservation, but I run on adrenaline, passion and OLD FASHIONED FILIAL PIETY.  I call all my GOOD friends "HING DAIs", THAT'S HOW I ROLL.  All my good friends' wives are "AH SO" and it may be outdated but that's just how I am.  I accept who I am, I AM set in my CONCRETE SET ways and I won't be friends with people who don't have my back, I need to be sure that they would protect me as much as I would protect them.  I like traveling in a pack, or a posse.  I can not be by myself.  Maybe I am insecure, but at least I admit to it, accept it and deal with it.  I'll admit that I am one of the more extreme ones in my crew (circle of close friends) but they love me for it, and I love my crew like I love my own brothers.  In HK, it is less likely for these things, lots of people are out for themselves, it is the culture.  Perhaps I am a bit old school, a bit China boy "ah chon", perhaps I am "teen jun" but you know what dude?  I'm hella happy with my life, family and circle of friends.  Perhaps it is a mental imbalance, I'll admit to it but aren't we all to some degree?  There will be a time when you wished you had a friend who you could count on and call a brother and would treat you like a brother.  I guess we are from two different worlds, but variety is the spice of life, n'est pas?
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Post at 21-12-2008 21:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #49 CunningLinguist's post

Originally posted by sexpert at 21-12-2008 08:49
I would also be that "friend" who would slam a chair over one of the punks head and grab your ass to run the fuck out of there. And most of all I would be that "friend" who would NOT leave your ass alone if you were in any trouble.

Considering sexpert's fondness for dick, is it surprising "he would NOT leave your ass alone"?     Well that's old-fashioned filial piety for ya CL, just the way old Confucius wanted it.

Tho if you do hang with sexpert in a bar, keep in mind that it will probably be his dick play that will start the fight to begin with.

But just who the fuck crashes chairs over heads in bar fights anyway? This is yet another of 'pert's pre-teen, male fantasies. Sounds to me like his mommy never lets him go into bars, and the only thing he knows about them is what he sees in the movies. But by now, we all know that these stories are just part of sexpert's male-bonding ritual - like those head-bobbing dances the penguins do to find a mate.

Tho you'd think by now 'pert would realize that with every one of these ludicrous strut-and-pose man-stories, he looses even more credibility. But you gotta feel for the guy! This dick poll of his certainly didn't turn out like he hoped it would - 70% of the respondents think his dick thing is gay! Ouch! (Of course, when you exclude sexpert's 3 aliases and the the 3 guys who voted yes because they did it a couple of times in junior high, the condemnation is pretty much unanimous.) And he accuses me of being out of touch!

[ Last edited by  Marsupial at 30-7-2009 23:03 ]

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Post at 22-12-2008 08:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #51 Marsupial's post

Like I said, people like you won't understand.  Having friends and family is not your strongest suit.  I wouldn't be surprised if everyone that was ever important to you left you, family shunned you and forced yourself to move to Asia because you just could not fit in so trying your best to be judgmental is the only way to rid your frustrations.  It's cool.  You deserve everything life has ever thrown at you.  BTW... the Celtics are bearting up on the Knicks... feel better?  Good... I wish nothing but good will towards you.  Like Confucius says about harmony, if everyone treated everyone like family... I will treat you like a brother and show you nothing but good feelings because I feel sorry for you...  the world will be a better place.  When life throws you lemons, you make lemonade right?  Don't forget the sugar cuz you are starting to sound really sour.
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Post at 22-12-2008 10:54  Profile P.M. 
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Its just gay!
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Post at 23-12-2008 04:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #50 sexpert's post

Actually, thanks for your thorough and honest response, sexpert.
You're right; mentally we are from different worlds...

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Post at 9-4-2009 21:59  Profile P.M. 
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Hell no.

I've never seen it, but I don't care if people do it - as long as it's not to me.
To me, it sounds like that South park ro-sham-bo thing.
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Post at 11-4-2009 11:56  Profile P.M. 
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In my opinion it is categorically the WORST thing one man can do to another. You know how much it hurts, and therefore why inflict this pain on another guy? It is betrayal, and anyone who does it should buy a handbag, forget how to reverse park a car and read a map and call themselves Veronica because as far as I am concerned, you are a woman and do not deserve the title Mr. For shame.
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Post at 6-7-2009 11:11  Profile P.M. 
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it seems like something that would hurt, would rather just take a punch in the arm
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Post at 6-7-2009 11:42  Profile P.M. 
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I see 'pert is now up to 9 supporting votes.   Given enough time and a couple dozen more false identities and I'm sure he'll reach parity. Or maybe his old dad and 3 boys will join the forum to offer up their support in a display of some of that good old-fashioned filial piety that 'pert is always lecturing us about.

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Post at 6-7-2009 18:46  Profile P.M. 
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Used to see it happening around me (and myself being the victim of it on several occasions) while i was it high school.  It was the light but firm tap type and made me feel so uneasy   Never happened after I got out of high school.  The only (intentional) contact we have between the guys were pats on the back when playing basketball or any other sport for that matter.
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Post at 26-7-2009 18:13  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by twiceAweek at 7-12-2008 01:31
so, do Americans have more tendency to do this - between relatives and friends ????

huh??!!?  Maybe in San Francisco, but I'd think it's more to do with your friend, rather than being widespread phenomenon.  Just like in Australia, go to some places in Sydney and you'll get the shit beaten out of you, while in a place like "Oxford Street" in Kings Cross, it's perfectly normal.  I don't think there's a tendency in any heterosexual-dominat society.

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