Originally posted by sexpert at 21-12-2008 08:49
I would also be that "friend" who would slam a chair over one of the punks head and grab your ass to run the fuck out of there. And most of all I would be that "friend" who would NOT leave your ass alone if you were in any trouble.
Considering sexpert's fondness for dick, is it surprising "he would NOT leave your ass alone"?

Well that's old-fashioned filial piety for ya CL, just the way old Confucius wanted it.
Tho if you do hang with sexpert in a bar, keep in mind that it will probably be his dick play that will start the fight to begin with.
But just who the fuck crashes chairs over heads in bar fights anyway? This is yet another of 'pert's pre-teen, male fantasies. Sounds to me like his mommy never lets him go into bars, and the only thing he knows about them is what he sees in the movies. But by now, we all know that these stories are just part of sexpert's male-bonding ritual - like those head-bobbing dances the penguins do to find a mate.
Tho you'd think by now 'pert would realize that with every one of these ludicrous strut-and-pose man-stories, he looses even more credibility. But you gotta feel for the guy! This dick poll of his certainly didn't turn out like he hoped it would - 70% of the respondents think his dick thing is gay! Ouch! (Of course, when you exclude sexpert's 3 aliases and the the 3 guys who voted yes because they did it a couple of times in junior high, the condemnation is pretty much unanimous.) And he accuses me of being out of touch!
Last edited by Marsupial at 30-7-2009 23:03 ]