Poll Subject: How long do you last??  single choice [Show Voters]
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Subject: How long do you last??
Kinky King
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Post at 12-11-2010 02:09  Profile P.M. 
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When I had a gf, I foudn that I last about 10mins of pumping whereas with WGs, I can go 20mins easy. Weird huh?
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Post at 22-11-2010 20:35  Profile P.M. 
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also depends a lot how much nasty is the girl
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Post at 1-12-2010 09:53  Profile P.M. 
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Same with the majority, 10-15 mins is my usual get-go... Although I definitely have a longer foreplay time than the actual intercourse.
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Post at 5-12-2010 05:39  Profile P.M. 
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I don't know if it's because I'm getting older or if it's because I've been training little johndoe and clearing the pipes before.  But now I am proud to say that I can last a little longer.  I'm up to 20 minutes without having to blow the load.  I there's lotsof foreplay though,  i still don't last that long.
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Post at 5-12-2010 15:43  Profile P.M. 
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it really depends how into the girl i am.
if the girl treats me really good and is really fine, if she gives me a bbbj or a cbj i would probably come in 5 minutes.. but that also depends on whether i had released that day yet. i find that if the girl's body type is right, then i come fast. if its gross it'll take me longer.. but also, if the girl is SUPER FINE, i do my very best to keep going and going and going. the longest i have ever gone with breaks, is a little over an hour. it was crazy... after holding it back for so long it became hard to release.. which was ok because the girl was SOOOO fine. i will write a review very soon
Kinky King
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Post at 2-1-2011 20:01  Profile P.M. 
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someone who last only 1.8 minutes need to find a doctor, or need to introduce his sex partner to me.
Perhaps i can help him to please the girl. Lol.
I think it doesnt matter how long can we last, the most important thing is Can we satisfy our girl?
Can we make her come?
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Post at 5-1-2011 16:57  Profile P.M. 
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The thing with cumming is that it is more mental than physical.  Most guys with ED have it for mental reasons.  Because of this, it makes it difficult to stay consistent I think.   A lot of times, I go on forever until I'm dripping sweat but once in a while I get that girl that makes me pop in less than a minute.  Neither one is good.
Kinky King
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Post at 7-1-2011 22:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #27 mugatu's post

I agree with ur opinion. everything is in our mind.
We can control how long or how fast should we come.
Most of men have ever done quickie or even Mile High Club in their life.
It's only take several minutes, perhaps only 1.8 minutes, but they are still normal
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Post at 8-1-2011 02:16  Profile P.M. 
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I have to continue with the "it depends" line of thought.  If I'm with WG and know there are going to be a couple of rounds, I'll let the first one go quickly, 5 to 10 minutes, and then take my time.  After the first shot I can usually last as long as I want, after all it's all about me!

I will say that I had a WG squirt once.  I got so excited i was done instantly, but round two was for ever, because I was trying for another squirt.  Didn't happen, but a guys gotta try.
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Post at 17-1-2011 11:52  Profile P.M. 
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With long term relationships after the first few times I can go as long as 60-120minutes, but with WG's wow sometimes it's like 2 minutes.  I really want to learn how to control that, pay a lot of money for two minutes isn't worth it.  haha
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Post at 17-1-2011 23:49  Profile P.M. 
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Longest - maybe 35 mins, shortest could be less then 2 mins!
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 18-1-2011 06:39  Profile P.M. 
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10 minutes if the WG is super hot.

15 minutes usually.

no pop if the girl isn't into it.
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Post at 18-1-2011 17:17  Profile P.M. 
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2 minutes or 1 hour it really depends. If I'm very horny I don't last very long. If I have some alcohol or I ejaculated before I can last up to an hour.
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Post at 22-1-2011 11:15  Profile P.M. 
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I usually last about 15 minutes depending on the mood.  If I'm very horny, I'd last about 5 minutes and I'm satisfied.  If I'm not so horny but not tired, I can last up to an hour.  Even my gf sometimes complain I was too long.
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Post at 30-1-2011 13:21  Profile P.M. 
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Your poll question should state whether we start counting from oral sex, or from penetration?

For me, I can last 45 - 60 mins if I control it. Years ago, I leaned taoist sex secrets from various taoists, and it taught me how to avoid shooting out my load while also get orgasm. THe orgasm is one that is superior to normal orgasm.

In normal orgasm  you just experience a few spasm of your prostate and it is gone in less than 30 seconds.

THe superior orgasm is one that lasts many hours after the sexual act. I build up the sexual orgasm energy up and then the whole thing makes me feel blissful and powerful, and that feeling remains even after sex. I usually experience multiple orgasms in 1 session, and I try to make the girl orgasm usually 3 times. Usually the intense feeling lasts up to 3 hours, after which it will slowly dissipate. But that slight tingling feeling in the chest and lower back will remain for many days.

But sometimes if i feel stressed, I just dont wanna do the method and just ejaculate out in 1 go, which makes me feel tired after that.
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Post at 9-2-2011 21:24  Profile P.M. 
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If you find a woman with a big pussy, I think you can endure a long time during intercourse. I find that those women with mature body (tall figure, big boobs, big ass) have big pussy. Usually those skinny young girls have very tight pussy, and make the man lose control faster...
Kinky King
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Post at 10-2-2011 17:09  Profile P.M. 
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I can go from 30 secs to 1 hour depending on my state of mind and fitness level at the time of the act. It varies so much, but more often than not it's around 20-30 mins.
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 11-2-2011 00:16  Profile P.M. 
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for more than 10 minute is usually

if the girl so hot babe maybe more quickly get fly first
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 12-2-2011 00:13  Profile P.M. 
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if the girl is really really really hot and awesome moaning, its bound to be a shorter time unfortunately...
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Post at 13-2-2011 10:50  Profile P.M. 
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Cock Tales

Alcohol is also plays a big factor.  Seems to have opposite effect on men that is does on women.

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