Subject: (Veggie) Warm Feeling Home - LKF
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Post at 1-11-2024 21:37  Profile P.M. 
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(Veggie) Warm Feeling Home - LKF

Date & Time of Session: 01/11/24
Location: Warm Feeling Home- LKF
Name: unknown
Link: ... e.maps.preview.copy
Agent: -
Nationality & Language: Thai, English
Age: 55+
Face: 0/5
Body: 0/5
Height: 160
Skill: 5/5
Service: 5/5
GFE: -
PSE: -
Price & Session Length: 328 plus tips 400 total.
Repeat: Yes

Only writing this because I know other people like good massages as well. I went to this because my body has been very sore lately as I’m getting older and still trying to act young in the gym.

I walked into this place to give it a shot needing a veggie massage but hoping it might turn into something if there was a hottie there I liked. I arrived thinking it would be gross and dirty instead ready to leave, to my surprise it was quite clean and quiet, although nothing but old Thai fat women (not my thing). The massage though was great she was very big and those who like Thai massage know the old fat Thai women are the best.

We joked a little and she really made me feel much better.

That being said as it is a Thai massage right in LKF I do suspect there to be an option for a he, I just didn’t want to try it with the Thai Buffalo that I had.

I would definitely go back.

[ Last edited by  Eliperc at 1-11-2024 21:45 ]

Recent Ratings
myketin   4-11-2024 17:52  Karma  +3   
longtimelurker   2-11-2024 19:31  Karma  +4   Great intel
boscitc   2-11-2024 11:20  Karma  +10   
UncleDad   1-11-2024 23:11  Karma  +10   Thanks for report

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