Subject: Incredible girl in Tobita
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Post at 28-9-2024 16:36  Profile P.M. 
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Incredible girl in Tobita

Date & Time: Sept 2024
Name: I think Ki or Ri (not 100%)
Location: Seisyun St. (I think)
Nationality: Japanese
Language: Japanese only
Age: mid 20s
Face: 4/5
Body: 4/5
Service: 4/5
Price: ¥36k / 45 minutes
Recommend/Repeat: Would recommend, maybe repeat.

I went back to Tobita today and took a stroll along most streets, I find myself getting lost each time! I walked past a few windows and always forget how hot the girls here are, I walked past one stunning girl with huge breasts, I thought I'd come back and go in but within what must of been 15 seconds she had gone - next time I'll go in as soon as I see a girl I like.

I walked a bit further, from the toilets and walked along Seisyun, on the corner, I saw a stunning girl, short, pretty, very natural looking and incredible body, went in and found she spoke zero English, I'm trying to learn Japanese but some things I couldn't quite figure out, but it all went well.

She laid me down and started stroking and kissing nipple, she was bent over and had an incredible body, tiny waist, big boobs and a beautiful face, started with a BJ with condom and proceeded to get on top. She really went for it and rode pretty hard, a few positions for a good 35-40 minutes, annoyingly I couldn't but, compared to my previous experiences she was very intimate (for what it is) in terms of eye contact etc. and she was really sexy.

The time flew by but it was a great experience

Recent Ratings
hugh882   12-10-2024 06:15  Acceptance  +1   
aabb1   30-9-2024 07:44  Acceptance  +1   
firsttimelong   30-9-2024 00:18  Karma  +1   
constatine07   29-9-2024 08:39  Acceptance  +1   
Tkthedk   29-9-2024 04:13  Karma  +3   
HKGPeter   28-9-2024 17:05  Karma  +3   Thank you.

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