Subject: Kawaii - Gaily
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Post at 17-9-2024 10:04  Profile P.M. 
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Kawaii - Gaily

Date & Time of Session: Mid sep
Location: kawaii
Name: Gaily
Nationality & Language: Mainland Chinese
Age: 20s
Face: 10/10
Body: 9/10
Skill & Service: 10/10
GFE: 10/10
PSE: 9/10
Price & Session Length: $1000 for 60 min

Pic is her, very pretty. Very polite and helped me carry my shoes to another room. P1 is actually the best I had ever in a spa, she puts on real massage oil and really put in effort. Undress, skin is silky smooth. Rubs boob/nipple on back for a long time, again real effort. P2 is pure joy when you have such a beauty in your arms with max GFE. After shot still cuddled and chatted a bit. Gents please treat her nicely. She’s based in HK so no rush there’s time for you to enjoy.

Recent Ratings
energylung   20-9-2024 15:31  Karma  +4   Thnx have been thinkingof giving her a go
canucks100   20-9-2024 12:49  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
boscitc   17-9-2024 11:16  Karma  +5   
DrDecimate   17-9-2024 10:29  Karma  +4   Gaily is pretty and GFE. Thou no extra.

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