Originally posted by Siklong69 at 1-4-2009 01:14
Some bros have PMd me to find out why I have been so quite for the past few months. In fact all these years I have been pulling a scam on all of you as I really AM a middle aged housewife, pretending ...
Nice to see you get an early start on April Fools bro.
If I was a senior contributer on this site I'd rehash an old April Fools joke on Perb. Someone would create a fake report on some mythical place that appeared to be a punters heaven. Other reliable contributers would echo the same and you should see how many lurkers would beg for contact info. Fucking hilarious. Eventually someone would admit to the hoax, but for several months some rookie would always bump the thread back up asking to be part of the 'inner-circle' and be given the secret phone #/handshake/sign language.
It even went so far as to people checking the Tsing Tao newpaper looking for the magic lotus flower in the newpaper articles (we said it was the 1st entry level). It's amazing what people will believe when they want something to be true.
I guess we are all pretty gullable when it comes to our dicks!
Anyways I don't want to invoke the wrath of the mods, but perhaps next year if I'm Lord or higher!
Last edited by bedlam at 1-4-2009 02:25 ]