Subject: [Osaka, Tobita Shinchi] A beginner’s guide for beginners
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Post at 27-3-2024 19:37  Profile P.M. 
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[Osaka, Tobita Shinchi] A beginner’s guide for beginners

Here is my quick and dirty guide to getting your rocks off in Osaka for cheap.

Tobita Shinchi is well-known around the gaijin and mongering community for being reasonably priced (especially nowadays due to the Yen devaluation) and being gaijin-friendly for the most part

Time: I’ve read online that some stores open at 10am and stay open ‘til midnight. I went there around 6pm and almost all shops were open for business. I suggest you do the same.

How to get there: It’s pretty accessible from Namba (the “touristy” area of Osaka). Just head over to Namba Station and take the “Nankai-Koya Line” (Platform 1) and get down at the 3rd station - “Haginochaya Station”. Afterwards, it’s around a 10 min walk (very straightforward, I highly suggest you use Google Maps. You’ll be passing through covered shopping arcades for the most part so it’s a pretty easy walk.

Price: it varies depending on the length of the session. 16k Yen for 20 mins and 21k Yen for 30 mins. Take note that this includes the time for preparation. If you can cum fast, 20 mins is enough. Otherwise, go for at least the 30 min session

Strategy: As you walk around the area, each “storefront” has a mama-san and girl duo. The girl sits pretty, and sometimes smiles at you, with the mama-san doing the calling. I highly suggest you window-shop first. You can just take a look at a girl, and walk away. Keep a mental note of the rough location of girls you find good, you can re-visit them after for when you decide to choose. Just a heads up that the mama-sans will be persistent in calling you, though they won’t chase you or anything, just ignore them and focus on looking at the girls while walking between shops.

I got a girl named “Miu”. I forgot the exact location but it was in the northwestern area. I chose her as she was wearing a school uniform and was very petite. She was open to kissing (she asked me if I was ok with it) and gave a pretty good bbbj. Take note that MOST reports I’ve read only say that girls don’t allowing kissing and only do CDBJ so YMMV. A helpful tip is to see how the girl reacts to you. Some girls returned my smile with enthusiasm (or looks like it at least) while others just stared or made a forced smile. This should also be part of your consideration in choosing a girl.

Overall, the girls are all young and good-looking. As long as you shop around first, you’ll surely be able to find someone that fits your taste. HAPPY PUNTING!

[ Last edited by  lanrete at 27-3-2024 20:42 ]

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neoojosh236   30-8-2024 13:08  Acceptance  +1   
christoff   15-6-2024 16:45  Acceptance  +1   
Offshore2   29-3-2024 11:08  Karma  +3   
marloveyoume   27-3-2024 23:33  Acceptance  +1   
Token7   27-3-2024 21:54  Karma  +3   
gg1234   27-3-2024 20:38  Karma  +5   Clear and Simple. Good Write-up.
bubeybo   27-3-2024 19:54  Karma  +4   Cool

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