Originally posted by hunter at 27-3-2009 16:34
Maid is maid (domestic helper / servant)....where does SEX come into the definitation? IF they want to earn money from Sexual exchange, they become WGs. Once they step over the line, they are WG and n ...
I guess I don't have such a black and white attitude to "sex for money" arrangements. To my eye, there is a continuum that runs from the 15-minute quickie with the streetwalker to 141 and hotel girls to low-volume freelancers to mistresses to trophy wives. As you move from the low end to the high end, the duration of the contractual term increases and there is an increasing degree of intimacy and real feelings. Oh, and probably the freqency of sex goes down, while the cost goes up!
So I don't see that a maid who has sex with her boss is necessarily a WG. Maybe it's just an arrangement... I was actually considering such a three-part deal. I want a Putonghua teacher, and I am happy to teach English in return. I need some light cooking and cleaning done. I enjoy a regular ongoing casual "fuck buddy" style relationship. So what would be wrong with finding some cute young mainland girl who would come be my "domestic helper" on these terms for a couple years? It would be purely consensual. There would be no coercion involved. It may be lunacy and inadvisable, but what would be morally wrong with this arrangement?
The interesting question to me is the contractul one. The Labour Department requires an employment contract that must adhere to a variety of terms. There appear to be two key restrictions: (1) the domestic helper can only be required to provide services as specified in the contract; and (2) these specified services must be "domestic duties"... Could having sex be considered a domestic duty and thereby written into the contract?
Have fun, CGP