Subject: Easy to find Chinese/East Asian/“Chinita” providers in the Philippines?
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Post at 6-2-2024 11:25  Profile P.M. 
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Easy to find Chinese/East Asian/“Chinita” providers in the Philippines?

I’ve been craving these types ever since my last trip to HK. There’s just something appealing about them. Wondering if anyone has had experience finding them, and if they’re as easy to connect via local sms or using different apps. (telegram, whatsapp, viber, kakao, etc.)

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dddlny   10-5-2024 14:25  Acceptance  +4   
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Post at 6-2-2024 21:22  Profile P.M. 
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Personally, i've never seen East Asian WGs working in SEA countries.
Not unless they would be either TOP TIER escorts that are very expensive or bottom of the barrel.

Now, the other way around is more common.
SEA providers going to east asian countries to work.

There is a vast disparity between east asian mongers and SEA mongers.
If you go to countries like Thailand & Philippines, most of the asian mongers you see are either Chinese, Japanese or Korean.
I rarely ever saw SEA mongers tbh unless they were Americans

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AquilaGladius   7-2-2024 19:10  Acceptance  +1   Thanks for the tip. Guess I'm gonna be anticipating my next trip to HK/Macau/Taiwan/Korea/Japan
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 27-2-2024 11:52  Profile P.M. 
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They're super hard to find honestly, all I can find are those that appear in MassageRepublic -- which are pricey

I hear though you'd have much better chance of meeting and getting them if you stay near casinos like Okada or Solaire

That's it unless you know a handler/agent who can give you East Asian gals --- if you do happen to find some, pls let me know too

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AquilaGladius   13-4-2024 23:46  Acceptance  +2   

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