Subject: [Vietnam, Saigon] Vien Dong Hotel - BJ only - Trip 2
Lustful Lord
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Post at 11-10-2023 15:33  Profile P.M. 
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[Vietnam, Saigon] Vien Dong Hotel - BJ only - Trip 2

Name: Vien Dong Hotel
Location: Saigon
Age: Late 20s
Massage Skill: Good
Price & Session Length: 1M (including tip)
WIR: Already did

Rocked up at about 11 am and took a shower as usual. Got to the common area sitting area and I was given a crap sofa to sit this time and within 1 minute, told that the girl is ready and go for the body massage.
While walking, I asked for a line up and it was refused, I said there was no water or tea tonight  and or anything, it was rushed so they took me back to the crappy sofa.. I had to ask for the lazy boy and I said this time your service is bad. The guy apologised and provided tea and fruits. Five mins later, I was told that the massage room was ready and I was taken in.

The girl who showed up was pretty, big boobs, milky white, smooth skin (not pale).

The massage was lacklustre and went on for a very short period before she asked me to flip. The show was on once I flipped as she went to the "toilet" to get the wet wipes, tied her hair and went to town. He bj skills were good, no teeth, even sucked my balls. It's very rare for me to enjoy my balls being sucked and this was one of them. I have never enjoyed my nips getting licked and sucked either (no sensation) but she was good. There was minimal access to her C cups, refused to kiss with the same standard ”cant kiss customers". About 10 mins later, i had to let go of my tiny army and it was everywhere.

I had my eyes closed but when I opened them, she came up and kissed me, started with lfk and went into a bit of dfk. This didn't last long and I was lying there, making move to get up coz I wanted my 1 hour coz of how I was treated at the common area but I was getting over it coz she tried to cuddle and give me a gf experience. A bit of head massage and she said we were done.. that was at about the 50 minute mark.

Before stepping out of the room, got a few more kisses and she asked if I had zalo. On confirming that I in fact had zalo, she added me herself and gave a few more kisses and let me kiss her back too. Walked me to the common area and this time the guy was more courteous and offered the lazy boy chair and some instant noodle pho (didn't get that offered the last time). Chomped it down, rested a bit and wanted another round but didn't have another million so went out to shower and change. I noticed this time (and the last time) that the locals don't tip so this time I didn't tip either.
Walked out to the reception and told them that the girl this time was better than the last time and they told me her number was 71.
Back in the hotel room, she messaged me and was willing to meet outside but had her period. Offered my her friend, who looked delish but I think she got a customer so didn't tell me the price until hours later. Too bad that was my last night in Saigon otherwise I would have banged her for sure.

Stick around for my Danang experience

Recent Ratings
Klaus123   13-10-2023 16:56  Acceptance  +1   
mcbond1800   12-10-2023 09:30  Acceptance  +3   
bigboy4791   11-10-2023 23:41  Karma  +4   

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