Subject: [HK] Emma (local) from MR
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Post at 16-9-2023 18:25  Profile P.M. 
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[HK] Emma (local) from MR

Date & Time of Session: Sep 2023
Location:  Central
Name:  Emma
Link: ... l-independent?utf8=✓&location=Hong%20Kong
Agent: None
Nationality & Language: Canto/local, Ok Eng
Age: Early 30s
Face: 3/5, probably better without makeup
Body: 4/5
Height: 152cm
Skill: 4/5
Service: 4/5
GFE: 3/5
PSE: 3/5
Price & Session Length: 1h/2k initially. Became 1h30m/2.5k.
Repeat: Maybe

Organised a small staycation for the weekend and decided to spice it up and organised for her to come over (same day). Should be noted that if you do inquire about additional services or similar, best do it in canto as it’s a lot easier for her (as opposed to Eng). She arrived and asked if she could use the shower (didn’t join), came out and was pretty stunned at how fit she looked. It wasn’t athletic fit but more of a “no fat” fit. Her BJ skills are pretty good, but her dirty talking in English may sound off to those that are native English speakers. She also likes to use her vibrator to get in the mood. Overall it didn’t really get any better after that as the less than ideal “dirty talking” kind of put me off.

She’s good, but not quite what I was looking for.

Recent Ratings
lostmojo   19-9-2023 12:41  Karma  +3   
mihirorox   19-9-2023 00:48  Acceptance  +1   
booby_lover   17-9-2023 12:43  Karma  +6   
Up8   17-9-2023 10:54  Karma  +2   How do her look compare to the photo?
Phaychay   16-9-2023 19:44  Karma  +4   
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UID 296432
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Registered 16-9-2023
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Post at 18-9-2023 09:37  Profile P.M. 
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Emma’s photos vs reality

When compared to her photos, I’d say for the most part they are pretty accurate. If you meet with her, she’ll likely have applied make-up on, her way of putting it on ain’t quite my type but it looked ok. She blurs out her face in the photos so it’s a bit hard for me to compare. That being said one thing to note is that she has a little bit of crooked front teeth, nothing major and far from putting me off but still worth noting.

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