Subject: Street action in Jordan
Kinky King
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Post at 11-9-2023 22:22  Profile P.M. 
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Street action in Jordan

Finally back in HK after 2 years since leaving this city.  Staying near the Jordan MTR so figured I'd peruse the action tonight on a monday.  

Gotta, quite a lot of ladies available, especially the chinese mainlanders visiting.  almost every corner you see some.  i'd say 30-40% are younger, the rest being the older haggard ones.  visited the usual thai nests with the mamasan or papasan sitting at st level.  a few weren't open but the ones i went up and saw were quite full.  one place even had 4 guys waiting inside!  quality bonding time.

one downside is the prices.  prices have gone up in the thai nest walk ups.  what use to be 150-180 is not 250.  damn inflation.  the china girls are 300, i remember when they were asking for 400-500 pre-covid.  deflation is hitting mainland girls even in hk

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Emptiantian   24-9-2023 15:07  Acceptance  +1   How to tell for the Thai nest
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Post at 12-10-2023 22:24  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by ergodyne85 at 11-9-2023 22:22
Finally back in HK after 2 years since leaving this city.  Staying near the Jordan MTR so figured I'd peruse the action tonight on a monday.  

Gotta, quite a lot of ladies available, especially the c ...

Is Jordan MTR the place to punter around on the street or is there another street more famous than this one?

How would you tell if a girl is a freelancer? Short skirts, showing off cleavage?

Also, is it safe to go with them to their suggested hotel so the total damage would be 600 HKD for 1 pop?

Let me know bro, haven't been to HK for 10+ years.

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