Subject: Zoey - Kawaii Spa
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Post at 6-9-2023 12:12  Profile P.M. 
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Zoey - Kawaii Spa

Name: Zoey (Thai, certified therapist)
Spa: Kawaii Spa
Location: TST
Date: yesterday
Face: shall not rate as this is more of manhood maintenance
Body: as above
Service:  4/5,can communicate in Cantone amd English. Professional
Price:  $1100 for an hour

Part 1: Recently, I have played too much and feel that my performance is getting weaker. Not as hard as itnised to be. I have read about Zoey providing the maintenance service but was sceptic. So i quizzed the CS further and was convinced to give it a try.

Part 2: The coach is very professional. She will explain the efficacy and benefits of the massage on physical health. She will also explained to you every step of the process  she used her palm  to press the belly. Felt pain but acceptable.
She then moves south and start to work on the penis and testicles. When she sensed that you are in pain, she will dostract you by either rubbing your nipples and gently carress your balls. The process is unique and hard to explain. Should give it a try.

Summary: After the course of treatment Zoey will explain the usual precautions, Zoey said that the authentic Thai dragon maintenance, one is not allowed to ejaculate within 24 hrs. The effect will be felt cter that

Overall....painful but refreshing

Recent Ratings
orangerange   19-9-2023 08:52  Karma  +6   Thanks for sharing
DrDecimate   7-9-2023 09:28  Karma  +2   interesting! good to hear back if it was effective given the pain one has to go thru.....

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