Erotic Emperor
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Post at 15-8-2023 14:02  Profile P.M. 
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keeping count?

anyone else keep count of how many times they punt/ how many different woman in a year ? this year I decided to do just that and im horrified at how much of a slag I actually am..   so far 52 different woman and a few of these I have seen on numeous occasions.  

no wonder im always broke..

Recent Ratings
sexforhealth   18-8-2023 10:34  Acceptance  +2   Around a 1-2 dozen. I go daily when im in hk and try to write ab memorable ones. Only been to JSL so far
sexyloser   16-8-2023 15:13  Acceptance  +2   I do, down to # times, $ spent, dates, etc. Keeps perspective so I don't get completely lost in the hobby.
zebra   16-8-2023 02:24  Acceptance  +6   I had fewer than 5
theworm   15-8-2023 22:12  Acceptance  +5   welcome to the world of punting

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