Subject: First time with Darla - unforgettable
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Post at 30-7-2023 23:29  Profile P.M. 
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First time with Darla - unforgettable

Date: July 29, 2023
Name: Darla
TG: OKAYModelss
Location: Sai Ying Pun
Nationality & Language: Italian,English
Age: 20ish
Face: 6/5 matches 100% with the photos/videos in TG channel
Body: 5/5 such youthfulness and tightness
Service: 5/5
Agent: 5/5
Price & Session Length: $3000 - 75 minutes
Repeat: definitely, but she's leaving in early August
Overall score: 5/5

I finally been able to find a time and book Darla. The booking is extremely smooth and the agent is very understanding.

Arrived at the hotel and went up. Knocked on the door and waited for a bit. Turned out the room is as big as a flat and Darla needed a bit of time to come out. First impression seeing her in that black lace dress, she is definitely a young Italian beauty, with the facial features of a beautiful sculpture.

Although she's a bit shy when first entering through the door, her friendliness appears right after you step inside the bedroom.
Showered alone, but welcomed by a naked Italian goddess lying on the bed. That definitely makes the little brother going.
Darla is open for everything and she was not tired of you doing anything to her while she's busy on your body. She's very patient with BJ and feels like she enjoys every moment to taste the sausage.

The view of such young exotic on my body, was too muchfor the first time of AMWF action myself and had ended the session shorter than expected.

However, dare to say that she's one that is worth many revisiting, definitely deserved to be treated well.

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Recent Ratings
Asiangaijin   2-11-2023 22:08  Acceptance  +1   
titan333   1-9-2023 10:52  Acceptance  +1   
xooxer   21-8-2023 17:29  Karma  +3   What a beauty! How do you guys find these TG agents? Website? Word of mouth?
Samluck   15-8-2023 22:42  Acceptance  +1   
puntinghood   9-8-2023 00:16  Acceptance  +1   A real face shot? Legendary!
Jade_moon   5-8-2023 05:10  Karma  +8   Nice photo
Skepti10   4-8-2023 00:38  Karma  +8   
foodwinelvr   2-8-2023 20:23  Acceptance  +1   Saw a message on TG, that she took off earlier then expected.
elephil   2-8-2023 16:08  Acceptance  +1   
12man34   2-8-2023 12:49  Acceptance  +1   Thank you for the review! She's been getting a lot of good rep around here
like2bonk   1-8-2023 10:40  Karma  +4   she is so hot but she is not italian for sure
miketk   31-7-2023 10:56  Karma  +5   
boscitc   31-7-2023 10:26  Karma  +8   
IvanTheKozak   31-7-2023 07:08  Acceptance  +1   
bmf315   31-7-2023 02:32  Acceptance  +1   
Kride   31-7-2023 01:26  Acceptance  +1   She looks amazing. She looks prettier than the pictures on TG.
billshepard16   31-7-2023 00:55  Karma  +2   Wew what a hottie

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