Subject: 11th floor at KH - got the job done
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 10-6-2023 20:02  Profile P.M. 
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11th floor at KH - got the job done

Location : KH 11th floor B2
Date / Time : June 10
Name: Young Young
Nationality & Language: Mandarin only
Age: mid-late 20s
Face: 4/5
Body: 4/5 - 34B maybe
Height: 167cm
Skill: 3/5
GFE: 2/5
PSE: 2/5
Price & Session Length: $600
Repeat: Maybe if nothing else suits my fancy

Went in and had to pay the $600 up front, which is not the norm but what the heck I was already in the room and half naked. She is from Hunan and only speaks Mandarin. She told me to hop in the shower by myself, which is also not the norm in my experience. Her make up was done up pretty well so I'm guessing that she didn't want to mess it up. I quickly learn that the hot water tap is putting out water at the same temperature as molten lava.

She helped me dry off and then asked if I wanted my nipples licked. Who isn't up for some nipple play, so she spent quite a bit of time doing that before moving to a bbbj, which also lasted a while too. Not the best bbbj, but the duration helped. She asked to mish, so I wasn't picky and just went with it until I was done. I showered again under the molten lava water and she help dry me off again.

She has a pretty nice body and her body doesn't seem to have a lot of mileage on it. I think her boobs are about 34B, not much belly fat, and a decent ass. I think I would repeat only if there isn't anything else more inviting at kh when I go again.

Recent Ratings
quoththeraver   5-7-2023 15:23  Acceptance  +1   
HK_Legend   13-6-2023 16:44  Karma  +8   
MrButtons   12-6-2023 14:41  Karma  +5   
monogamous   10-6-2023 22:42  Karma  +4   

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