Subject: Finally a real prostate massage (Gigi SSP)
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Post at 2-6-2023 22:01  Profile P.M. 
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Finally a real prostate massage (Gigi SSP)

Name: Gigi :
Lang/Nat: Chinese - Some simple English
Location: SSP (see page)
Age: 45+
Body: 2/5 (decent for an older lady)
Face: 2/5 (strict school principal like face, but I wasn't there for the looks)
Skill: 6/5
Price: 600 for 60 min body + prostate massage
Repeat: Definitely

After days of experiencing subpar rubbing and undirected poking, I finally found the real deal ! I was just browsing through random profiles on the Gals DB and came across Gigi who provides 'Prostate Anus' service which 'poked' my curiosity. Booked a session and arrived in the afternoon and requested a 90 minute body massage and prostate session. She said she has a follow up booking so unfortunately 60 mins is all I'd get

The building was shabby, roofs very low, so obviously no 'standing on the back massage'. But the moment she started massaging it was obvious that she had crazy skills. Firm hands very sensitive to touch and to sorer muscles from squash last night. After about 25 mins of fairly decent back massage she brought in a pillow and asked me to lie with my tummy on the pillow. This exposed my helpless butt doggy style to her.

I wasnt entirely sure how far she'd go with the prostate thing, but I need not have worried. After poking the backdoor, she gently started touching the p spot, while gently teasing the LB with the other hand. She did this for 5-10 mins and really warmed me up. Then she started targeting the really sensitive p-spot areas with her long and strong fingers and a little bit more touching of the LB. This went on-and-on for 10-15 further minutes while she kept edging the LB while stimulating the p-spot. She made no effort to make me cum vis the LB, the focus was purely on the prostate and the amazing stimulation. Finally the pressure started to build and I couldn't take it any more as I   It was absolutely incredible !! As I lay exhausted, she started massaging my legs for the remaining time. What an awesome experience. Would highly recommend this to any fellow p-massage lovers.

Incidentally there was a menu item called 'premature ejaculation' on the menu for 1000hkd. Intrigued, I asked her what it was, she said that I dont need it as it involves teaching folks with premature ejaculation issues (which apparently I dont have). Will definitely return for a longer session next time.

*Edit - I realise now that a Gigi in MK was reported to be awesome at prostate massage in this forum before. So it may be the same girl resurfacing in SSP. I took her whatsapp and should have taken her wechat too in case she disappears from this site again.

[ Last edited by  dedupe at 2-6-2023 22:04 ]

Recent Ratings
Poley   17-7-2023 21:47  Karma  +3   
TedCruz   11-7-2023 22:52  Acceptance  +1   Where is she? Her page seems to be down...
Sniper1   22-6-2023 21:29  Acceptance  +1   wanted to try Gigi out for a while, thanks for the report!
jackgoro   5-6-2023 09:14  Karma  +4   This I got to try. Thanks bro
hclarkson1999   3-6-2023 14:25  Acceptance  +1   
JackTheBat   3-6-2023 01:07  Karma  +10   

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