Subject: Bee - 56 - 58 Lai Chi Kok Rd, 5/F, Room 6
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Post at 30-5-2023 14:03  Profile P.M. 
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Bee - 56 - 58 Lai Chi Kok Rd, 5/F, Room 6

Name: Bee
Lang/Nat: Chinese/Hong Kong
Location: 56 - 58 Lai Chi Kok Rd, 5/F, Room 6
Age: Milf
Body: 4.5/5
Face: 3/5 (A large disparity in photo and real life look, although, if you enjoy the MILF like look, she would be perfect)
Skill: 1/5
Price: 500 for 15 minutes/1shot.
Repeat: No

I roamed around MK and PE and saw online that there was this cute girl that I wanted to see - and had the assumption that she was young. While she is friendly and nice, as I arrived, she took it very slow and gave me a nice wash down with fingers going in the rigthe right places.

While she was very attractive, when it came to the BJ, she took out a plastic bag and decided to use it as a condom (insisting I have a blowjob without a condom). I decided to opt up for safety, but while that was very robotic and only lasting 4 minutes (which i thought was fine considering we were going to play further), the sex only lasted around 5 minutes and she didn't try to slow down or let me move. It was one of the fastest play experiences I have had and preferably in hindsight, I should have paid more - but towards the end, she explained that she had to visit another client, which slightly disappointed me.

I don't think I would return but she is skinny curvy, with ample boobs, and potentially others may have have better luck than me.

Recent Ratings
Nillion   3-6-2023 00:58  Acceptance  +1   
jchow88888   2-6-2023 01:51  Karma  +1   

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