Subject: Slender Thai in JSL
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 29-5-2023 21:48  Profile P.M. 
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Slender Thai in JSL

Nationality & Language: Thai, English
Face: 4/5
Body: 4/5
Skill: 4/5
Service: 4/5
Price & Session Length: $400

Went to JSL to check out the offerings since I have not been there in a while, similar to KH, the supply is not very impressive

When I was there there were no Russians, not that many Thai, but some decent Mainland girls (not really interested in those especially at the 600-700 range)

Walked up and down a bunch of times and almost gave up before I came across a tall and slender girl on the 3rd floor, she was tossing some trash so waited for her to return to her room

Very decent face and very fit and toned body, small butt and augmented boobs but its okay the entire package was already very decent

Thorough shower together, catbath, BBBJ (which was very very good), CG, then finish in mish with some light kissing

For $400 she is an absolute steal, she could definitely be charging higher (i didnt mention this ofc)

She says she has been here for 3 weeks and will be here for another 2 weeks, i might repeat

I will not leave the exact location as I have forgotten but it should be on the 3rd floor, look around long enough and youll find her, shes got the most toned body of any of the JSL girls I saw today

Recent Ratings
HK_Legend   30-5-2023 09:30  Karma  +8   
Gstu   30-5-2023 09:20  Acceptance  +1   nice
JackTheBat   30-5-2023 01:01  Karma  +10   "the entire package was already very decent"... OK!

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