Subject: Another good Thai in KH (Uncensored pic)
Kinky King
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Post at 4-5-2023 22:31  Profile P.M. 
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Another good Thai in KH (Uncensored pic)

Location : KH 4th Flr A6
Date / Time : 4th May 230pm
Name: Im
Nationality & Language: Thai, English bad
Age: 23
Face: 4/5
Body: 4/5
Height:155ish small girl
Skill: 5/5 Excellent
Price & Session Length: 400 + tip
Repeat: Definitely, if I could, just realised I have never been able to repeat any Thai.........

HK is getting hot, a brisk walk gets me drenched in sweat, best way to get clean and fresh is to do the dirty  
Walked down KH and there are some excellent model looking mainland girls asking $600, but for me I just prefer being able to converse a little bit in English, hence Thai are more my thing.

4th Flr A6, she opens the door just peering out looked quite shy, face is a little boyish, not LB boyish. My COT, went in she is little curvy but definitely not fat, said her name was Im and her attitude was really friendly, agreed the price was $400 and off came the clothes. Wow she had a massive Ganesha tatt on her back and various others around her. Big D's I'd say with large brown nipples hair on her pussy.
She said to me business was slow today and I was her first customer! Oh wow, I stripped off and was all sticky, she touched me and mention how balmy I was but she still gave me a quick rub up and down, she let me peck her a few times. Off to the shower, nice attention nothing out of the ordinary.
Onto the bed I asked her to lie down so I could play a bit, sucking her nipples she liked me latching on and not letting go, fingering allowed no black face, so much so she even licked my finger afterwards, BBBJ very nice not the best but very good. Dommed up and in mish she started getting really horny and DFK started, it was like a really like a boyfriend girlfriend situation, her pussy was wet as. Doggy was fantastic as her skin was soft and smooth.

After the deed it felt a bit strange that she ushered me to shower first, but no worries, when I came out she actually started sucking my nipples again, and started kissing.
She asked for my contacts and I asked for some pics.......

Very nice girl from Pattaya, would like to repeat but I doubt if I go back to KH she would be available.

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jgaw88   8-7-2023 19:26  Karma  +5   
banter141a   20-6-2023 21:50  Karma  +5   
Ultimater   18-6-2023 07:21  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
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nnbbs   25-5-2023 05:41  Karma  +4   
Gstu   22-5-2023 11:19  Acceptance  +1   nice
Auntdorace   17-5-2023 16:49  Acceptance  +1   
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spaceinvader852   10-5-2023 14:43  Karma  +2   :P
jezzzz   10-5-2023 00:01  Karma  +6   hello yumyum
austin821   9-5-2023 17:03  Karma  +8   
LittleWing   9-5-2023 15:43  Karma  +3   
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zennor   8-5-2023 05:26  Karma  +5   
shaykh   8-5-2023 02:33  Karma  +3   
MCdude4   7-5-2023 15:41  Acceptance  +1   Lovely report , i agree Thais are more better than most girls . Will definitely try her out
Goose.Mk2   6-5-2023 12:12  Karma  +6   
chemical   6-5-2023 05:40  Karma  +3   Excellent
anata_no_kokoro   5-5-2023 21:21  Karma  +3   Original
neophyte   5-5-2023 20:14  Karma  +6   Favorable
Dutchy12   5-5-2023 18:46  Karma  +5   Thanks! Can you share contact?
magictime12   5-5-2023 15:46  Karma  +4   
thedude   5-5-2023 15:16  Karma  +8   meaty beef curtains
Skepti10   5-5-2023 14:35  Karma  +8   
Hobbier   5-5-2023 13:37  Acceptance  +1   Looks like a dream!
jackgoro   5-5-2023 12:59  Karma  +4   nice ! will give her try maybe later tonight!
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Post at 9-5-2023 05:03  Profile P.M. 
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nice girl

Thanks  ur report, i have  try her today,  face and body are  good.
Thanks again good job.

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monogamous   9-5-2023 11:11  Karma  +3   Glad to be of assistance.
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Post at 10-5-2023 19:56  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for posting i have try her today she was amazing, people like u who post review are amazing thanks

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monogamous   12-5-2023 22:44  Karma  +2   Thank you
HK_Legend   12-5-2023 11:59  Karma  -1   Please READ Guidelines! 1) NO One-Liner here; 2) Rate Post before Replying; ...
magictime12   11-5-2023 12:04  Acceptance  +1   Follow forum rules Don't post one liners use the rating system
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Post at 11-5-2023 17:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 monogamous's post

She is Amazing , I’ve tried her today and yes lots of punters do get to her but going there early will be so much better . She is definitely one out of a million. Thanks for the post bro!

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monogamous   12-5-2023 22:45  Karma  +2   Thanks
sniper111   12-5-2023 11:40  Acceptance  +1   Any idea when she will leave ?
JackTheBat   11-5-2023 20:12  Acceptance  +2   Why not write a report?
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 11-5-2023 23:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 MCdude4's post

Bros Report is all i have to say no need for me to write . His report is spot on what i felt

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HK_Legend   14-5-2023 22:14  Karma  -1   The Rate the Report before commenting!
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Post at 27-5-2023 13:40  Profile P.M. 
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Interesting post i see for sharing

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JackTheBat   27-5-2023 18:20  Acceptance  +2   You've been on this forum over ten years already.
porkchops   27-5-2023 14:18  Karma  -1   Read the rules and the guidelines before posting any further one-line responses...

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