Subject: JLM - Thai floor 4 room 405
Kinky King
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Post at 10-4-2023 21:22  Profile P.M. 
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JLM - Thai floor 4 room 405

Date & Time:  10 April 8.30pm
Location:  James Lee mansion floor 4 room 405 ( inner left door )
Name: ?
Nationality: Thai  -  English
Age: 30ish I think milf looking
Face: 4/5 - think she has filler done on her face
Body: 5/5 - holy shit massive tits double D ( felt real) shaved LS , big booty.
Skill: 5/5
GFE: 4/5
PSE: 4/5
Price: $500 plus tips
Repeat: Yeah

Wow for sure repeat. Good service, friendly.
She said was her first customer for the night
No rush. I can see why ppl maybe put off by her.
Confirm she not LB.
Did I mention she has  massive  tits and rocking body. If u like the type of body with big ass ass n tits. She the one for u.
Service was very good for me. Maybe cos I was one of her few customer That day.  She helped showered like normal , mouth wash etc
Once dried up.
She put on her string lingerie, no up charge. Her string bra is too small for her. Every time she moves it bounced out. XD
Did a slow dance as warm up and whole body roaming with her tits.. then followed by loud  sloppy sucking ard the body and and bbbj and DfK and she will eye fuck you while she does it . This lasted like 15mins or so. Then she surprised me with a tit job with baby oil. I had to stopped her after 5mins otherwise I would have busted there with all the teasing.
Capped me with her mouth , rode me with some more dfk. Changed to missionary n busted my nut all within space of 5mins from the time she capped me ..  

She let me relax awhile and did a dry massage and chatted abit.
Forgot to ask her name. Will repeat again. Pro service for me. See if can take pic next time.
She be staying until the 18th. Good punt

Recent Ratings
magictime12   17-4-2023 12:59  Karma  +4   
jc128   15-4-2023 09:44  Acceptance  +1   
Goose.Mk2   12-4-2023 09:13  Karma  +5   
tchengaa   12-4-2023 04:46  Karma  +2   Great report, would you please share her contact? Thanks a lot
shaykh   12-4-2023 03:12  Karma  +3   
franklinturtle   11-4-2023 14:35  Karma  +2   Imma try to check her out. I love me some big ass
Hobbier   11-4-2023 13:47  Acceptance  +1   That’s accurate, I was in there 24h ago.
austin821   11-4-2023 04:18  Karma  +3   
HK_Legend   11-4-2023 02:59  Karma  +8   
nitesky6888   11-4-2023 02:09  Karma  +6   
chemical   10-4-2023 22:33  Acceptance  +2   

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