Subject: Malaysian Lily - Hing Loong
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Post at 1-4-2023 13:16  Profile P.M. 
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Malaysian Lily - Hing Loong

Location: Hing Loong
Date: March 30th
Name: Lily
Nationality & Language: Chinese
Age: Somewhere in the early 30s
Face: 2/5
Body: 2/5
Skill: 3/5
Service: 2/5
GFE: 2/5
PSE: 2/5
Price & Session Length: $600 for 30 minutes
Repeat: Probably not

I was finishing up work quite late and in the mood for some action so decided to have a quick look on the website to see what options I had. After a while, I find myself debating between the Thai stable in Phoenix or Malaysian Lily in Hing Loong and ended up picking the latter. I shoot her a text and says she closes at midnight so I make my way over before that.

I arrive and take the lift up to the 10th floor and see her sign saying "please wait", and texts me to say that she will be there in 5 mins. I wait by the staircase until I hear the lift open and there she was. At this moment my first feeling was shock, because this woman was completely the opposite of what her pics were suggesting on the website It was late and not wanting to be rude, I hesitantly go in with her.

We go inside and i'm thinking to myself  "where is the big breasted woman I saw on the website". In front of me was a near flat chested skinny girl who I wasn't sure if it was indeed her or not, in my head i'm making comparisons between her and the pics on "her" profile Despite being disappointed, I decided to have my fun and leave satisfied.

The session itself was kinda boring, her english and cantonese wasn't very good but we made it work. We go to shower and she's having a hard time adjusting the water temperature, all this time aiming the shower head with the boiling hot water straight onto my legs before I had to intervene to change it to cold water

I was really gutted getting out of the shower so I just lie on the bed after drying where she starts a BBBJ, it was good and she did this hot thing where she was giving head while rubbing her LS on my leg which got her wet. 5 mins of this non stop and she caps me and tells me to go top which I do, wanting to end this asap. Pounded her in mish for a while before , bringing this somewhat weird session to an end.

"Lily" herself was very sweet and all, although there was a lot of phone checking from her and the only time where she wasn't on the phone was during the action. The session was not bad at all, but far from what I was preparing myself for. Can someone please confirm if this was indeed the real Lily since most of the previous reports mention her big rack etc but it was the complete opposite for me. This spy also had a mole near her lips so please let me know if this was indeed her.  After a string of really good sessions to start my punting career, I guess I was bound to have a disappointing one

Happy punting bros

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Pikfel2   7-4-2023 00:34  Acceptance  +1   
magictime12   3-4-2023 15:44  Karma  +4   
HK_Legend   2-4-2023 13:54  Karma  +8   NOT "Lily". Maybe a TEMP! When facing such a difference between girl & pic uploaded, WALK AWAY. They might learn.
jackchan79   2-4-2023 00:36  Karma  +2   
JackTheBat   1-4-2023 19:06  Karma  +10   Small-breasted and early 30s? See below.
calaisien   1-4-2023 18:48  Karma  +6   Lily worked in HL more than 10 years so not that young. She was my HL top 3 with Bobo and Jasmine
Caveat_emperor   1-4-2023 16:50  Karma  +5   Thanks as I've thought to try this before. Any idea if she could really be Malaysian?
booby_lover   1-4-2023 14:21  Karma  +5   Thanks for review. Sound younger and flatter than most reviews.
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Post at 1-4-2023 19:07  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #1 hornylad's post

Since you asked, @hornylad...Lily is well known among Hong Kong's horny lads. I posted these pix of her at her suggestion a few years back:

Hope that helps.


[ Last edited by  JackTheBat at 1-4-2023 19:09 ]

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hornylad   1-4-2023 20:27  Karma  +2   appreciate the help, will have a look once i up my reading access
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Post at 1-4-2023 20:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 hornylad's post


i am pretty certain the person i was with was not lily so i cannot say for sure, but i doubt they'd be malaysian anyways

happy punting!!

Recent Ratings
magictime12   3-4-2023 16:34  Karma  +4   Doesn't sound like Malaysian Lily. You got Bait and Switched
HK_Legend   2-4-2023 13:57  Acceptance  +8   The "Malaysian" (even with some DNA) is for "Branding" purpose.
Caveat_emperor   2-4-2023 00:29  Karma  +4   Favorable
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Post at 1-4-2023 22:57  Profile P.M. 
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Did she have a tattoo on the back? There is another lily on the 7th floor which matches your description

Recent Ratings
JackTheBat   2-4-2023 09:47  Acceptance  +1   Butterfly tattoo left hip.
hornylad   2-4-2023 01:15  Acceptance  +2   i’ve got a memory of a goldfish but i don’t think there was a tattoo of any kind

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