Subject: Update
Throbbing Titan
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Post at 20-5-2022 13:29  Profile P.M. 
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Quick update, this girl popped up out of the blue. She reached out to me, and not a shocker, but she is in need of money. Thoughts were dirty from the get go, and right before we set up a meeting, she mentions to me that she has gained 15kgs. She said she is fat now, and she hopes I don’t mind.

I said as long as you don’t mind me paying in coins, or in another currency, same number but in baht, or new Taiwan dollar. She said of course not ok…then i said you answered your own question, of course i mind. The one thing i cannot stand is fat girls. I declined the meeting. However, I told her I might know some pervs that might like you in your heavier condition. She is too scared to work for an agent, so she will be arranging herself, and once that is set up, she will share the contact info. She called me, I don’t have her number so pls don’t flood my inbox.   

She still convinced me to see her, and I will report back after. I could also just wait a bit because the Thai girls are coming back next month. Several have contacted me and already in quarantine in HK. Thai Summer is starting.

Recent Ratings
booby_lover   25-5-2022 00:52  Acceptance  +1   
sassydude   24-5-2022 20:30  Karma  +4   Pretty fucking hilarious
Jack_Sparrow   24-5-2022 12:13  Karma  +5   All depends where the kg went
bsun   23-5-2022 11:06  Karma  +2   Fat chicks often try harder
King_Monger   22-5-2022 16:04  Karma  +3   So ...weight & sea ?
nu_omicron   21-5-2022 14:42  Karma  +3   Thai summer is starting :)
JackTheBat   20-5-2022 21:27  Karma  +10   Look forward to reports of boinkage w/fresh-outta-quarantine cuties.
HK_Legend   20-5-2022 18:39  Karma  +5   15kg? That's A LOT for a small girl. HOW COME? Pay her in Luna Coin (price as of dec )... :)
Hoverbee   20-5-2022 14:21  Karma  +5   
CoreTierOne   20-5-2022 14:17  Karma  +5   Interesting, original report was very tempting, curious to see the update on the +15kg gain haha

There is a First Time for everything . . .
Throbbing Titan
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UID 35249
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Registered 29-11-2009
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Post at 20-5-2022 13:32  Profile P.M. 
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There is a First Time for everything . . .

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