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Post at 20-3-2022 20:27  Profile P.M. 
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Random hottie encounter

I was picking up a piece of furniture from a friend's flat this weekend and while I was waiting at his building, I ran into this total hottie- probably Filipino or Indo, with a thiccc booty, but quite fit. She was wearing black yoga pants with some mesh/see-thru panels and a tiny tank top, but the back was mostly strappy instead of solid. Her hair was a bit dyed too light for my taste- kinda that yellow-orange color that natural brunettes get when the don't do it right (rubias de farmacĂ­a).

She left a little before I did, but I wasn't too far behind and she got stopped a traffic light, so I was enjoying her booty quite a bit. At the next light, she decides to stretch a bit and puts one of her legs up on the railing (like a ballet bar) and then lowers herself into a split with one foot on the ground and the other on the rail. She was able to bend so far down, it was like a bow (without the arrow). After the light changed, she would occasionally do a little dance step and twirl (she had headphones on listening to music).

I was like, "fuck, I should totally say hi or make a move, but I'm carrying this small piece of furniture." Maybe go by to visit the friend more often

Recent Ratings
HK_Legend   21-3-2022 09:28  Acceptance  +5   Maybe her place was not furnished, so you could have helped her LOL.

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