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Post at 3-3-2022 15:49  Profile P.M. 
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S(G)A: Seeking Geek Advice!

I am (having fun) on a mission converting some MP4 videos into GIF (less than 512kb) to post them here for ...your entertainment!   

I have been able to make some decent progresses (from SCRATCH) but there is much more I need to learn  so I welcome advices.

I am looking for a FREE ONLINE converter from MP4 files (some as big as 10Mb...or whatever is the 141 website uploading limit) into LESS THAN 512kb GIF.
Whatever advice / suggestions ...are welcome!

I have found (random pick) one doing a decent job
but I am sure there are better ones I can use (from a Windows 10) laptop) to squeeze the fun into something meaningful for you to watch
...during CUT for instance. (I will be ready before anyway)

Btw, I am sure I am not the only one here interested in this ....because a video of ...Sammi getting a face "creamed" is likely worth 100 Ks!

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batman108   6-3-2022 11:35  Acceptance  +6   awesome and thanks
Hoverbee   3-3-2022 15:55  Acceptance  +3   
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Post at 3-3-2022 15:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 HK_Legend's post

I have had success before using free compressor website online. If the mp4 remains too big, compress the already compressed mp4 again to make it even smaller before converting it to a GIF.

It works kind of reverse of when trying to increase a photo pixels in photoshop.  However for motion picture results might be less consistent unfortunately.

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HK_Legend   3-3-2022 17:29  Acceptance  +5   see questions
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Post at 3-3-2022 18:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 Hoverbee's post

"free compressor website online"?

You are talking here to a (TWISTED) you have to spell it and ...hold my hand.

I have some WTF (no clue how recorded) MP4 (amazing)  videos of 1Mb up to 6.20Mb and 24Mb (this one is to big anyway)
to convert into GIF files of less than 512kb to upload here.
I was able to achieve a successful test this afternoon with most and the GIF on the Forum were better than expected,
(honestly, I am wondering why I am not uploading some ....PROPRIETARY videos on Twitter as GIF   )

so here my objective is to get better quality (for all of you) from people with more experience
(that means I started in the MP4 to GIF business ...3 days ago)).
That is my priority.

Then later, I have some MP4 files ...made with Movie Maker (yes, some people use that   and it is damned practical )
from 5Mb up to 15Mb...all sucessfully uploaded (by who? an act of "god" maybe) on the ladies' webpage....
so I would be interested into converting those MP4 files too  into GIF too...but these ones are  not a pressing matter...for obvious reasons.

I need to learn how to do those things BETTER on ...Windows 10 Laptop
(not signed of course, with wiFi from nowhere....and no static MAC + ...Tor)

Oh btw (if not guessed by now readin my (long) posts between the lines),
for those who are wondering about 141 ...or else...and filming / recording videos...that story for sure belongs to the PAST.

The ONLY REAL question is:
How can you guarantee their constraints are met and/or do they trust you big time?
The rest is ...academic.
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Post at 3-3-2022 18:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 HK_Legend's post

Try one of the below:


Also try this if your final GIF is still bigger than your targeted size


I don’t have an mp4 video at hand to try right now but am confident 3 days experience on the job will be sufficient to find your way. PM if you get stuck no worries.

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HK_Legend   3-3-2022 18:45  Acceptance  +5   
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Post at 3-3-2022 18:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 Hoverbee's post

Many thanks for the walking sticks.

I will try to upgrade my skills on saturday as tomorrow is ...#BangingTime
...supporting the Thai community in HK, with a pair on stand-by.

The way it is going...there might be an English Forum night at JB in July
( )
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Post at 3-3-2022 22:12  Profile P.M. 
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Use EZGIF for that. Easy and you can tune quality.

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HK_Legend   4-3-2022 08:25  Acceptance  +5   Many thanks. Will try this too tomorrow.
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Post at 5-3-2022 13:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 povar123's post

Thanks to @Hoverbee and @Povar123, now my 4 GIF are ready (I already tested a post on the forum)

Now I am just waiting for that busy lady to send me few NEW pictures, never uploaded before (for obvious reasons) and then I SHOOT
..for your enjoyment.

For a GIF dummy like me, EZGIF   was quite easy to handle offering good step by step choices  with good options.

And honestly, being sent such videos (from a creative character) to convert those into GIF was quite fun.

Btw, @Hoverbee, I contacted Lola by SMS. That works.
And also sent to somebody (she already killed it with several!) a list of
...Shakira songs to make a mess at JB ...during my holidays...

#BloodOnTheDanceFloor  #TroublesAhead
(say that I got a crush for Sybil Azur's legs )

In fact, now I work on somebody else video in order to make (tight constraints with 30kb) it signature.

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Post at 5-3-2022 15:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 HK_Legend's post


See I have put your advices at good use quickly!
Now I have my personalized signature

Have a look at my  Avatar

(...and she is NOT a Hing Loong lady for those who think I am biased )

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