Subject: King Hing & James Lee Mansion 1/3 Capacity
Lustful Lord
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Post at 24-6-2020 21:25  Profile P.M. 
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King Hing & James Lee Mansion 1/3 Capacity

Date: 6/24/2020
Time: 6:30pm-8pm
I went to King Hing in Monk Kok and James Lee Mansion in Tsim Sha Tsui. Walked up every floor and rang every bell i can, seems the amount of bells i can ring are only 1/3 of what it was before coronavirus started. Girls i saw seems to be bad quality so far. Even saw someone's grandma.

In King Hing, on average there is one girl available for every floor, all other doors say please wait and half of the doors are shut with no signs at all.

In James Lee Mansion about Half of the doors are shut, about two girls available for every floor. I would chose James Lee Mansion, larger selection there in comparison.

Recent Ratings
mashuk   27-6-2020 20:24  Acceptance  +1   JSL was busy last Mon night (quite a few girls and punters) but Fri night (26/6) was dead...
trust_00   27-6-2020 14:38  Acceptance  +2   Thanks for the update!
nutwing   25-6-2020 12:49  Acceptance  +5   
Kinky King
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Post at 27-6-2020 14:39  Profile P.M. 
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Checked out Hop Yee yesterday, still very very dead.  IIRC only 2 rooms available on 7th floor.  

Swing by Fuji and seems in back in action!  Most of the remodeling is done now and most floors are filled with girls.  Maybe only ha handful of empty floors left.  The Russian floor is still closed off, and I didnt see any Russians.  Mostly PRC girls and the usual local girls

Recent Ratings
Bloodrage   27-6-2020 20:38  Acceptance  +4   Thanks, will look at Fuji

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