Variety is the spice of life, girls like food, it’s tasty to explore and we all have preferences, duh
Now as to fashion trends like colored hair, piercings and tats, much of that is influenced by dominate culture as well as local background/oppression and current freedom for individuals. Each local region also is significantly influenced by economics, politics and religion all resulting in tasty variety.
Lastly you can’t overcome centuries of local genetic breeding / diversity for local body types, but one thing for sure is western supersizes drinks and fast food is making the world fatter, people really need to eat less or exercise more
My preference is wide, personally like 155-175cm athletic / fit can be 18-50, hate a hairy LS, not like it bear, landing strip is the best, bare is fine too
The one thing is chemistry and experience, generally those later in years need to have real skills there, the youngish often can just fall back on their age and eyecandy for your
Passed the test, Chinese, Taiwanes, Thai, Viet, Philippines , US( English, German ), yet to try Brazilian/Latin and Eastern European
Japanese not high on the try list, look at their porn and lost all interest and their whining