Subject: Flower Fairy: Magnificent Mimi
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Post at 8-5-2019 17:50  Profile P.M. 
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Flower Fairy: Magnificent Mimi

Date & Time of Session: 8th May 2019
Location: 3rd floor, Far East Building, Middle Road
Name: Mimi
Link: ... ml?ref=Search(stype,region)
Nationality & Language: Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese, no English)
Age: late 20's
Face: 4/5 (5/5 when laughing and smiling)
Body: 4/5 slim, small but good handfull boobs
Skill: 4/5
Service: 4/5
GFE: began at 3/5 and rapdily went to 5/5
Price & Session Length: 800 for 90mins
Repeat: Flower Fairy - always. Mimi is definitely on the Repeat list

New Phone: +852-55416914 wechat: wxid_eydqap9bdaz312

Work! Work! Work!  we need to work but we also need fun, been far too much work and not enough fun the last few weeks. Today was running an errand in TST when the downpour began and
after getting caught in the rain on the way to post office it gave me the perfect excuse to go see Charley and the girls at Flower Fairy.... zipped into the building and up to the 3rd floor, and was greeted by FF regular, the lovely QQ who asked me to sit down and wait for Charley, and got me some water and went and made me an instant coffee. QQ asked me how i was, told me that she hadn't
seen m come by for ages and teased me about how i must have found a good or bad woman to keep me away!  I responded that no woman could be as good at being bad as she was...which got her giggling and telling me i should try Mimi, that she was nearly as bad in a good way as she was.

The bundle of energy that is Charley came into reception leading another punter out, and after showing him to the door, came over to give me a hug and also ask me where i had been, why hadn't i been to see them? I was able to say i was wondering if i was persona non grata as i couldn't find Flower Fairy on Wechat and wondered if they blocked which point Charley started laughing and saying no she had been mssing around with the wechat and managed to somehow lock herself out of the account and not regain access, so she had just opened a new one! (new number  and wechat listed above if thats ok!)

Charley asked me if i wanted a massage and started telling me who else was working, and mentioned Mimi and when i said maybe i'll try her, gave me the thumbs up. exchanged a naighty look with QQ and called for Mimi to come out, and i was very pleasently greeted by a vision on a short but sexy black dress, nice legs, nice shape, pretty face (looking like a younger version of one of my
Pjoenix Apt faves, Miko!) I was sold, and opted for a 90 minute massage with Mimi.  Mimi smiled and reached out for my hand and lead me down the corridor to one of the room,s adly not the tatami room but a good sized room anyway.

She took my bag and hung it up, and started to apologize in broken English and accented Cantonese about not being able to speak English. I replied in my best Cantonese that she didnt need to
apologize for that, i speak enough Chinese to get myself into and hopefully out of trouble. The language barrier gone, seemed to turn up the smile and she began asking me how long i have been
in Hong Kong, how come i speak Cantonese, how i must have a Hong Kong Chinese wife, or many girlfriends and how Cantonese is a very hard language to learn.

She's about 5'3/5'4 slim but quite fit, she's not wafer thin, and very energetic. She helps me undress, neatly folding and hangng my clothes and turns on the shower for me, making sure to warn me to be careful if the water gets too hot. She gives junior a playful squeeze and pats me on the butt as she ushers me nto the shower and says she'll be back soon. After being caught in the rain, needed a nice hot shower to restart the brain and body and get me ready for a proper massage. Its not very cold today, but the combo of the last few days where its been hot and humid, then cold and wet, and arctic aircom, can always leave me a bit fuzzed.  Have a good shower, and am out and drying myself off when there's a knock at the dor and Mimi returns.

She helps me dry off completely and before i can lie down, moves the massage bed away from the wall, so she can maneuver around properly. I lie down, she dims the lights a little and asks me what kind of massage i want, and how hard i want it to go. I tell her could do with a good strong massage, really working my shoulders and my neck and my lower back. She says sure, and asks with a giggle 'you don't want me to massage anything else?"....i tell her, she can start with the shoulders and if she's good!  She gets to work and nice, she actually knows how to massage and really
does give me a pretty good massage, and works the knots out of my neck, my shoulders and lower back. We keep up a good level of conversation, she's funny and talkative, and i think a bt
relieved that i'm actually letting her give me a massage and not just grabbing at her straight away.

The massage continus and she asks me about my tattoo's and do i know the meaning of the Chinese phrase on my back, and when i say yes, she asks me to tell her what it means and tells me
how clever i am for knowing its meaning, and i make her laugh by saying i would be pretty stupid to get a chinese tattoo if i i didnt know what it means. And she tells me how often she sees Westerners in the street etc, who have sometimes the most random Chinese phrase as a tattoo and i explain that a lot of people don't think about that and then later on find out that perhaps the tattoo they thought reads "My Kung Fu is Number One!' means something far different.

As she massages me, she tickles and teases me and after working my inner thigh, thr teasing and tickling gets moe intense and junior is soon wideawake and she's giving him and the cherries a good exploration and asking me if I am ready to turn over, i turn over and she goes to dim the lights firther and i tell her there's no need i like to see her, which gets a combo of "you're naighty, and do you think i'm pretty ?' giggles. Mimi is a pretty girl and when she smles its a good room lighting smile, and makes her even prettier, so i tell her sh should smile more often and she tells me, i
should give her something to smile about, and asks me to roll over.

I roll over and she leans in and gives me a few pecks on the face, forehead, cheeks, chin, and lips while i help her to lose her dress, at least the top half and her bra She's got a nice set of boobies, as I've said before, i am terrible at recognizing the size, they're bigger than charlie's!  not as big as Yoyo's but they're perfectly sized for Mimi's physique and very succulent and responsive. The pecks progress to LFk and some dfk, and while she knows her way around a joystick, my wondering hands ae given certain access, with promises of next time when certain areas are off limits.  She knows how to tease, and brings me to the edge several times, before i finally get to release with my head buried in her breasts and an errant finger under her g-string.  She compliments me on the size of my eruption, i explain "i've been busy!"

She giggles and cleans me up, and then asks if she can use the shower to freshen up, i say sure and get a far better glimpse of her body as she is in the shower, very fit, not toned, but sporty, and a nicely trimmed little sister.  She jokingly tells me not to watch hr in the shower, teling me the shower is too small for both of us!   She steps out of the shower and dries up and then hops on the bed next to me pulling a towel over us and cuddles up to me, and we see out the remaining minutes in a cuddle making small talk before its sadly time for me to get ready to leave. She helps me up and into the shower, and its only while i'm in the shower that she dresses up, but she's still chaty as she tidis up the room.  She helps me to dress up after the shower, and i pay her for the session and she thanks me, and gives me a big hug and one last kiss with a lot more tongue to say thanks! She opens the door for me and leads back into reception where the Greek Chorus of QQ &
Charley are waiting and ask me why i have a big smile on my face!  

I make for the door with a promise to return before too long!   A good bit of afternoon delight and some nice fresh blood at Flower Fairy.. Attached a pic from mimi's wechat, its a bit beauty
cammed and the chest is enhanced but  but gives an idea of her look. Treat her kindly folks, she's a good one!

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Recent Ratings
nd8   22-5-2019 04:37  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
kalip   20-5-2019 13:58  Karma  +4   
cknc31   16-5-2019 16:58  Karma  +3   excellent
mchk   9-5-2019 19:37  Karma  +3   Favorable
Mister   9-5-2019 12:35  Karma  +6   More power to the errant finger
Petay_1283   9-5-2019 12:19  Karma  +10   great review
xooxer   9-5-2019 00:47  Karma  +3   
viking0812   9-5-2019 00:12  Acceptance  +1   
batman108   9-5-2019 00:01  Karma  +3   awesome and thanks
56kicks   8-5-2019 19:52  Karma  +3   Well written review, as usual! Thanks zbmbro!
JCloy   8-5-2019 19:34  Karma  +3   if you plot the cup curve, looks like C-cups
David.youngson   8-5-2019 19:31  Karma  +3   
dryice   8-5-2019 19:03  Karma  +6   I just love that place!
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Post at 15-5-2019 14:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 zbmthethird's post

does this spa have different names?

when I added them it is called Beauty Spa?

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 15-5-2019 21:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 Petay_1283's post


On wechat the English name comes up now as Beauty Spa, but name card etc still say Flower Fairy
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Post at 16-5-2019 07:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 Petay_1283's post

Sorry Master Petay,

just double checked as on my wechat i listed it as Flower Fairy new.....there's also a beauty spa but i think its a diff place...
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Post at 16-5-2019 09:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 zbmthethird's post

Weird.. their wechat is called Beauty Spa on the one I added and their name card is the same, but they have Mimis picture on their and address is same.

Maybe they just have two different names?

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 17-5-2019 01:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 Petay_1283's post

On my wechat their acct looks kinda dead. No posts of the girls working.
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Post at 17-5-2019 07:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 ramont's post

they are using a new account now:

New Phone: +852-55416914 wechat: wxid_eydqap9bdaz312

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ramont   17-5-2019 22:33  Karma  +1   This wechat ID doesn't work for me
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Post at 18-5-2019 10:05  Profile P.M. 
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Also just came back from a session at FF. Mimi was bubbly and offered a decent massage. Also went for a 90 min session, but she decided to upgrade my package to a Nuru-like experience  about 50 min in out of her own free will. She didn’t give me the full nuru, but she rubbed the massage oil on my back and slid on my back for a good 20 min. That was a surprise but she was very upfront that she’d like a tip for the extra service. She also offered to give a BJ, I think, because she asked if I would be up for a “kiss down there”. She wanted a total of 1500 for that so I passed. Ended up spending $1000 for the massage and the extra service.
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Post at 24-5-2019 21:55  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by zbmthethird at 17-5-2019 07:18
they are using a new account now:

New Phone: +852-55416914 wechat: wxid_eydqap9bdaz312

This is confusing. I contacted these account a while ago and received updates, however they now deleted all their moments. I hope there is a replacement soon.
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Post at 24-5-2019 21:56  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by zbmthethird at 17-5-2019 07:18
they are using a new account now:

New Phone: +852-55416914 wechat: wxid_eydqap9bdaz312

This is confusing. I contacted these account a while ago and received updates, however they now deleted all their moments. I hope there is a replacement soon.

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