Originally posted by paka at 2-11-2008 06:23
BINGO...although I'm quite young and I don't have a girl friend right now I've never liked anyone in my family trying to tell me how to spend my money, so I never let them know how much money I have ...
Thats only fair though if you are 100% self sufficient....
Also that there is no blow back, in that one of my uncles is or was a po po ching type and saved nothing for his retirement, my dad ended up looking after him for years as he saved nothing for his retirement......
I also have to constantly bail out my sister because she made lots of unwise investment decisions...
heh I'm not sure if GFs are worth it though I've had a couple of short termers in my absence, sure you can do all sorts of things with them you can't do with WGs but I find most UK girls terribly shallow, they either shop or go drinking..... but as some have said WGs are a snack while GFs are a main meal... but then again my life is busy.
Which probably means GFs in HK are even more shallow since by enlarge Chinese women don't go out on the piss as much as UK women , (I spent a part of last night thinking whoa I'm sort of drunk, while the woman next to me was on her 15th pint)
Last edited by Kennichi at 2-11-2008 11:59 ]