Subject: Close call with Chatty Cathy
Lustful Lord
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Post at 29-4-2019 07:36  Profile P.M. 
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Close call with Chatty Cathy

Thread Subject: Close call with Chatty Cathy
Date & Time of Session:  Sept 2018
Location:  TST Golden Mile
Name:  Chatty Cathy
Agent: Me
Nationality & Language: Canto
Age: 29
Face:  GND
Body:  7
Skill: 3
Service: 3
GFE: 0
PSE: 0
Price & Session Length:  500/hr
Repeat: no no no

So it's about 11 PM, and I'm walking up Mody to my hotel at the corner
of Nathan and Mody.  There are WG's scattered about, plus civilians in
groups either headed to or home from the local pubs.  Everyone seems to
be loving life.

Just shy of my destination, a SW calls out to me.  I say "not tonight"...but
she persists.  She hooks her arm in mine, and continues her pitch.  She
says she wants $500.

She looks like a GND-nerd-type, with a blouse and mid-thigh skirt.  Call
it a good solid B-cup rack and fairly decent legs.  But I just am not in the
zone at the I unhook my arm and tell her maybe next time.

She follows me anyway, still calling out.  We make a left on to Nathan,
right smack into a huge crowd of folks milling about...still selling suits and
copy watches.  They see the girl following after me, and all of a sudden I can
tell that there are many sets of eyes upon us.  I beat feet into the hotel and
head upstairs.  The girl stays outside.

I head upstairs and grab a shower.  All of a sudden, the thought of knocking
off a quick one seems like a good idea.  I clean up the room, lock up all the
valuables in the safe, lock the suitcase, make sure I have five 100$ bills in
my pocket, and head back downstairs to find the girl.

I walk out of the hotel into the crowd on Nathan, and scan the faces.  She
is not there.  So I decide to retrace my steps...and head back down Mody.

And there she is.  So she runs over, does the hook-arm thing, and we start
talking business.  She talks about 80 mph, with gusts up to say 120.  Her voice
is hoarse, raspy and loud.  Instantly I assign the name "Chatty Cathy" to this
one.  Not bad-looking, mind you.  Just chatty.  And obnoxiously loud.

The only thing I can figure is she must have been raised in a sawmill or
similarly loud background environment.

But still...GND fuckable.

So we walk back up through the gauntlet...once again hundreds of eyes watch
us walk into the hotel.  Once we get inside, her voice becomes more noticeable
and more obnoxious.  Any thoughts of keeping a low profile were dashed.  I
try to keep her shushed up as we make our way down the hall to my room.

Once inside, she wants to take a shower.  And she wants to be paid up front.

So I figure OK...why not.  I take the bills out and she tries, jokingly, I thought,
to snatch them out of my hand.  I pulled them out of her reach, and then peeled
off 5 bills as agreed.  She takes off her blouse, and heads to the bathroom.  And
she is in there for what seemed like a long damn time.

By and by, out she comes, and she starts out with a tentative BJ and the assumes
the position for covered doggy.  BY this time, I just want to finish and go to sleep.
The thrill is gone.

So she heads back into the bathroom, freshens up, and leaves. Whew!!

So now I need another shower.  I get the water running, step in, and look for the
little tube of hotel shampoo.  It's gone.  The soap is gone.  I move the curtain
and look at the counter...and it has been picked clean to the bone.  Even the toilet
paper and tissues are gone.  My toothbrush is gone.

I shake my head and laugh it off...just when you thought you'd seen it all...

[ Last edited by  JCloy at 29-4-2019 07:58 ]

Recent Ratings
aray   17-8-2019 02:46  Karma  +3   
cknc31   2-5-2019 19:01  Karma  +3   lol
skycaptain   1-5-2019 08:59  Acceptance  +1   Toilet paper point
RockyRockstar   1-5-2019 04:14  Karma  +5   Haha taken one for the team there!
hkpunter999   30-4-2019 21:56  Karma  +8   GREAT STORY!!!
bohica   30-4-2019 20:36  Karma  +4   Hygiene points!!!
Michaelvick7   30-4-2019 14:39  Karma  +3   
xooxer   30-4-2019 00:01  Karma  +3   Sorry to hear your experience. But seriously, toilet paper!
Petay_1283   29-4-2019 15:46  Karma  +8   are these street walkers always there?
Mike747   29-4-2019 14:35  Karma  +4   Excellent. had the same once , electric toothbrush , chanel crema, toothpaste , shampoo, all gone lol
adrenal   29-4-2019 11:52  Karma  +7   if it not bolted down...
batman108   29-4-2019 11:26  Karma  +2   awesome and thanks
hotjac   29-4-2019 10:02  Karma  +4   Similar experience in X'ian once ... luckily I always travel with my own.
theworm   29-4-2019 09:57  Karma  +5   ha ha, did she steal your underwear too?
Lustful Lord
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UID 17812
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Post at 29-4-2019 19:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 JCloy's post

Petay_1283           29-4-2019 15:46          Karma          +8           are these street walkers always there?

At the corner of Mody and Nathan, it is time-dependent and totally

Zero during the day.  Weeknights are slow.  Weekends say after 10 PM to
say 2 AM is your best chance.

There is a 7-11 near the MTR entrance that seems to be a magnet...

Mody St, Hanoi St and that general area are fair game...

Nowadays, it would be like trying to predict the talent at Hari's Bar...
on some weekend nights it may be rocking everywhere else in town
but dead as a doornail at Hari's...

Good luck!

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