Subject: [Bangkok] Bit style massage
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Post at 13-1-2019 23:03  Profile P.M. 
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[Bangkok] Bit style massage

Location: Bit style massage. Bangkok.
Name: Lek
Face: 8
Body: spinner type. 7 thin and smooth
GFE: 7-8
PSE: 7-8
Cost: 2300 baht for an hour
Wir: possibly

Read about this place on the internet.
Wanted to check it out.
Walked in and told the receptionist that I wanted a prostate massage and bbbj. She said no problem.
Cutie standing next to me. I asked for her.
Receptionist said okay.
Went upstairs and showered together.
She had good attitude. Smiling. Allowed kissing.
Hugged at first. Kissing.
Went into 69. She gave real good bbbj. Very deep and sensual.
Stopped her before I came.
Tod her to do prostate massage and bbbj together. No problem.
I ended up shooting big time.
We talked for a while then went into 69 again.
Two shots we're a go.
Lovely girl. Nice place.
Mattresses we're air mattresses. A bit different but we're okay.
Just put Bit style massage in Google maps and it will take you

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Recent Ratings
zennor   15-1-2019 06:29  Karma  +5   Bit style? Which bits?
Petay_1283   14-1-2019 17:06  Karma  +10   Cool, thanks.
yanivr   14-1-2019 12:36  Karma  +3   Nice
batman108   14-1-2019 10:13  Karma  +3   awesome and thanks
MothToAFlame   14-1-2019 07:15  Acceptance  +5   Awesome
jimyum   14-1-2019 05:59  Karma  +5   
obe   13-1-2019 23:57  Karma  +10   Excellent

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