I am often slow to give As and Ks. I read the review partially then come back to it later, sometimes I run out of Ks and As. And sometimes if I don't log on for awhile I will go back through a bunch of old posts to cities I am interested in or those that look interesting and then I will still give Ks and As from even months ago. It is disappointing that some really quality reports go with only few Ks. I have noticed that with some of mine also, but such as life. Just means I need to punt more right?

Then make more reviews! haha
I had no idea about the mobile not being able to give out Ks and As, I always use the web version.
Also I have noticed how much Karma we can give out is directly related to our level. So newbies who can read the reviews don't have much Karma to give out. And at the beginning, and embarrassingly I did not know that the Karma came from the system, I was thinking it came from my personal Karma stash and then I was thinking how could I level up if I am giving away my own Karma, I wonder how many others thought the same thing.
Last edited by twfun at 23-7-2018 11:37 ]