Subject: Anna from Miss Spa
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Post at 6-6-2018 19:27  Profile P.M. 
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Anna from Miss Spa

Thread Subject: Miss Spa
Date of Session: Week of May 28th
Location: 15-17 Cameron Road, 5th floor, on the left-hand side of the lift TST
Name:  Anna
Nationality & Language: PRC, Hunan. Mandarin, tiny bit of english and little bit of Cantonese.
Age: 22
Face:  4/5
Body:  4/5  
Skill: 3/5
Service: 3/5
GFE: 3/5
Price & Session Length:  $900 60 minutes, with Nuru HJ only.
Repeat: Yes

Thanks to badboy_hk for posting this: ... &extra=page%3D1

made me want to give it a try.

They are pretty active on wechat, although it's pure mandarin.  I was able to communicate the price and time, and a couple of the girls I asked for from the advert were not there.  Cruising down the advert I liked Anna.

Anna was available!  Does she look like her photos?  Man all photos look fake to me, they don't even look human anymore, just cartoon barbie dolls.  That could be Anna in those photos,  I found Anna pretty.  She does have that cute sharp nose, vs the HK nose that's usually very wide and fat.  She has a nice body, MCOT.  Not the super skinny spinner, but a short petite lean with some meat on her.  She's lean but not boney.  I didn't want a skinny girl for a nuru.

It was my first nuru and I didn't want to pay $1600 so this worked.

Anna was decent in part one massage, fairly thorough, not that greatest massage, but I like she covered all areas, got some tension released.  No phone play so that was a bonus, she was into her work.

On to the nuru part 2, the blow up mattress was stuffed in a corner, which she sprayed down a couple times, then placed a plastic wrap, then a towel and had me lay down.  It was fun, I enjoyed it.  Not sure it was hygenic, but hopefully between the towel and plastic wrap I'm ok?

Anna's breasts were a wonderful B size which fit her small petite body well, I was quite surprised when I felt them rubbing on my ass and back, they were a bit too firm.  When I flipped I also grabbed them a little and definitely were too firm, so was surprised they were fake.  They looked very real, it was a convincing job.  I didn't spend a lot of time on her breasts as she was using them to rub me quite a bit.  I guess there is the mild possibility they are real, but i'm 90% they are fake.  I can usually spot fake ones immediately no hesistation, so the fact that I have some doubt just shows how good they are.

Anna did a little fake moaning and what not, but she got friendlier as the session went on.  It didn't take long for me to pop once she had LB oiled up with that gel in her hands and rubbing on her thigh.

Anna's personality began to shine a lot while we were getting dressed.  She kept saying she's from HK and I kept calling her on the BS, and finally she admitted Hunan.  Conversation was tough since she only speaks mandarin, but there is potential to develop rapport with her.  She's a friendly sweet girl, and attractive.

Besides Anna I saw some pretty honey's walking around.  I definitely need to go back.

[ Last edited by  mchk at 6-6-2018 19:29 ]

Recent Ratings
Freelancer   7-6-2018 18:04  Karma  +6   
batman108   7-6-2018 01:07  Karma  +2   awesome and thanks
Badboy_hk   6-6-2018 21:49  Karma  +3   Good stuff mchk! Glad you had a go after reading my report. I was trying to head back this week but works keeping me awa ...
blast77   6-6-2018 21:28  Karma  +8   Lean but not bony girls, one of Asia's best kept secret

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