Subject: K-Pressure First Time in 3 Years
Lustful Lord
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Post at 30-6-2017 12:12  Profile P.M. 
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K-Pressure First Time in 3 Years

Date & Time of Session:  29 June 2017
Location:  K-Pressure Woosung St
Name:  No idea but likes being called Baby Bobo
Nationality & Language: PRC but excellent English
Age: 30's
Face:  Round
Body:  Rounder
Skill: 7/10
Service: 8/10
GFE: 7/10
PSE: 7/10
Price & Session Length:  400 +120 Room
Repeat: Maybe

I hadn't been to HK since 2013, went to KP last night around 9:30, once again got lost and walked from the Jordan A exit in a square and wound up on Nathan Road. Drat. Used the map, found Woosung, same as before, bored guard watching his iPhone.

Went up, told the guy and the lady I had been there before, they sent in this chubby gal, didn't catch the same but she said later baby is good and since she has big knockers, not fake, Baby Bobo.

She's a hefty one so slighter chaps might want to prepare for the her on top body slide. Hot water BBBJ and lots of boobs sliding on the LB.

Finished CIM in the shower vs. going to the bed. I am not big on big gals but big boobs are good and she has a good set. BabyBobo laughs constantly (not at you, generally) and puts in a good effort. If you like the body slide with soap you could just to that and be pretty happy - lots of skin and lots of melons and lots of soap is kind of fun.

I found the reception to be quite polite - they offer the cup of boiling hot tea in the completely dark room, not that welcome last night when it was about 32C and the anemic air con in the TV room threw air about 1 meter. Stand in front of it until you get to the room where the A/C is OK.

When I was leaving there were two much younger good looking girls arriving. Maybe K-P girls, maybe tenants, not sure what that building has besides KP and the hotel.

Recent Ratings
tvj   8-7-2017 13:11  Acceptance  +1   
NeverWong   7-7-2017 15:11  Karma  +2   
batman108   1-7-2017 03:05  Karma  +2   awesome and thanks
Phaychay   1-7-2017 01:12  Karma  +4   
modnar   30-6-2017 21:07  Karma  +2   Favorable
hkpunter999   30-6-2017 20:28  Karma  +3   
relcom888   30-6-2017 16:12  Karma  +3   

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