Subject: Raid - Hung hom hotel - 09.05.17
Lustful Lord
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Post at 10-5-2017 16:11  Profile P.M. 
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Raid - Hung hom hotel - 09.05.17

to whom it may concern:

just got to know that there was a raid yesterday at the "usual" HH hotel.

Seems also some of the girls were taken away and the air seems tense.

although agent says now it is safe, should i wait a couple more days?

PS. to all mongering contributor brothers, my apologies if this is the first message after so many years of membership
(hope I won't get lynched for my silence, and will try to contribute more now after having gathered some experience )


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sssqblf   3-6-2017 23:27  Acceptance  +1   Original
zorkelias   14-5-2017 15:19  Acceptance  +1   
askyratak   11-5-2017 17:52  Acceptance  +1   
arandom   11-5-2017 16:02  Acceptance  +1   Is it going to be a problem if one is to be caught with a working girl during a raid?
joey88   11-5-2017 11:22  Acceptance  +4   
batman108   11-5-2017 03:28  Acceptance  +5   awesome and thanks
JJJ37   11-5-2017 00:35  Karma  +2   
Phaychay   10-5-2017 23:48  Karma  +4   Thankyou
zebra   10-5-2017 20:56  Karma  +4   
stinkyfeet   10-5-2017 20:54  Karma  +3   This post is a whole lot better than reading... "Hot girl pm me contact" (first post, member since 2010)
flappo84   10-5-2017 18:43  Karma  +4   Was there today... did not affect q or lg I guess.
Kortaro   10-5-2017 16:21  Karma  +4   Thanks for the heads up, suggest waiting a few days 1st before going.
Kinky King
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Post at 11-5-2017 17:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 FG88's post

I'm not a lawyer but my understanding is that you do not violate any HK laws by being a customer for these HGs, for so long as you are not committing statutory rape (that is, sleeping with an underage girl). I think there's nothing to worry about.

[ Last edited by  titleist at 11-5-2017 17:38 ]
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Post at 11-5-2017 19:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 FG88's post

Yeah I think I read somewhere before the most that can happen is the cops just detain you on site to record some information then you are free to go. Law says no soliciting sex, no working without a valid visa and strangely enough only 2 people allowed in the room. None of which applies to the customer. I heard if a WG is caught, they get deported and is not allowed to enter HK for 2 years.
Kinky King
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Post at 12-5-2017 11:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 FG88's post

Also don't forget, China's #3 is in Macau and China's #1 is coming to HK in July. I'm pretty sure there will be an increase in raids in the next two+ months.

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Post at 2-6-2017 19:15  Profile P.M. 
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Due to the 20th anniversary of returning HK to PRC when Xi Jinpeng will visit HK, I expect there will be many many raids. So it would be advisable to be careful and go somewhere else(Osaka,FKK etc) for a few months. We remember what happened in Macau 2 years ago when #1 visited. It is also possible that China forces HK to change laws. I hope things will go on as previously after the visit of Xi Jinpeng.There is always the following possibility: If it is illegal in your country, HK police may forward your information to your ocuntry's authorities. I know that some hotel guys are collaborating with the intelligence agencies of certain countries,due to low wages etc. All hotels in the world are under CCTV and the hotels have the passport info of their visitors.

[ Last edited by  raradidi at 2-6-2017 19:18 ]

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