Subject: Pretty Spa TST
Kinky King
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Post at 12-10-2016 02:31  Profile P.M. 
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Pretty Spa TST

Time 11/10/16 4.45pm
Name: Didn't ask but heard the mamasan say muimui or something.
Face: 3/5
Body: 3/5
Skill: 5-3/5 more on that later.
GFE: 1/5
Service 3/5
Damage: 360+300 tip.

So I had still some time to kill and looked around TST. Was going to save Serenity for another day but wanted to get some more massage (separate review to follow).
Seemed like Moon beam lake spa was closed so I took one I've visited a year or so before. Pretty Spa.

Greeted and asked if I wanted 60 or 90 minute session. Though wth I have time so went for 90. Pretty cheap anyways.

Got shown to a room with a shower, which is nice since not all places have their own shower in room.

In came the girl, didn't ask for name, greeted and laid down. Towel massage, which was pretty good with good strength. After 5 min even asked how I liked it and if she should do harder, which I liked and said yes.
So the whole towel massage was good, then came the oil and she started sort of slacking off with mediocre strength. Oh well. So all in all, not the best massage.

Thing is, she kept talking ALOT, I wasn't really in the mood for talking so just answered questions as they came but she kept on talking.

50 minutes in she asked me sort of "innocently" what happens now? Started a little fingertip touching over ass and legs saying "something like this?" "is this what others do?". Then asked me if I wanted the special, asked what that included which was nude for 500. Or regular service, just tug for 300. Wasn't really feeling for it so opted for the regular. She pressed me for a min or so before she gave up.

Flip and it started off good, was plenty of time left so she said she'd play with it slowly, which she did. Was actually nice with lots of ball and thigh touching. For about 5 min. Then came the tug and finish quite quick.

So there was still a 30 minutes or so left. Usually that means a head or leg massage or something. But she took out her phone (which was plinging non stop during the session btw) and started chatting on some app. I just took myself to clean up in the shower, gave her 300 and went out to pay the rest.
It was over in an hour but was charged for 90 min...

WIR? Probably not

Recent Ratings
Mister   13-10-2016 20:02  Karma  +3   Moonbeam Lake closed for good? :-( Can anyone else confirm this?
LowKey   12-10-2016 15:59  Acceptance  +1   
LeoCan   12-10-2016 14:18  Acceptance  +4   
mcmafia09   12-10-2016 09:22  Karma  +2   Thx for the report. Was going to ask where in TST but doesn't sound like a really happy end to it all

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