Subject: Strip clubs
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Post at 11-9-2016 14:56  Profile P.M. 
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Strip clubs

This is about us strip clubs.  I always get hustled at then.  Tonight a waitress turned a $5 beer into a $5 tip when  she acted as if I tipped her $5 when I gave her $10 bill. I hate getting conned in the us, I so miss asia.

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stinkyfeet   11-9-2016 20:34  Acceptance  +6   Don't know why this is in the poll section. But yeah.... Been their too
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Post at 11-9-2016 20:41  Profile P.M. 
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My favorite at these hustle institutions are the lap dances especially in big brother Manhattan ny. You can't touch them, the songs are intentionally shorten and sometimes the stripper would even stop half way and ask if you want "another".  Fuk 30usd can a two minute topless dance versus a hot sichuan girl cim and basically naked body rub/daty for 70 minutes, yeah no contest.

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