Originally posted by yazoo at 5-7-2016 16:23
Thanks for sharing. It is a good place for a civvie vacation. Have heard that the mongering side of things is a shadow of how it used to be. How much did you spend for the WG's, and how long?
Yes, indeed I was also told that mongering in Sosua is a shadow of what it used to be. Apparently, it is due to politics. They are building a port for cruise ships in neighboring Puerto Plata, and they assumed that the RLD would be a nuisance for business. So, they are closing some mongering venues.
My wingman told me that he liked a club called Samba, Brazil, but was shut down a year ago, and the German owner thrown in jail. So, many other clubs like it shut down soon after. Apparently, they have a decent German community there, which settled in Sosua around WW2 time frame. I noticed them too, as I had my afternoon coffee at a German owned coffee shop, serving German cakes and pastry. it was run by a husband and wife, very polite and friendly. Chatted with them in German a little bit, with my limited German.
As for pricing, I only did ST, and the range was 1,500 to 2,500 DR pesos, equivalent to around $34/$55 US dollars. Once I met a chick, I decided on the offer based on her looks and personality, either towards the low end or high end of the range. Since it was low season, most girls were happy just to get a customer and I did not have to do much negotiation.
My hotel, Terra Linda, was girl friendly, as were all hotels on the RLD strip apparently. It was also no more than 50 meters from the strip. Most girls were OK to walk despite wearing high heels.
I should also add that we really enjoyed our time at the beach. Unlike many other beach rich countries, street vendors are not allowed to bother tourists. They have shops lined up throughout the beach, and you just raise your hand if you want anything. Everything was relatively inexpensive.
Last edited by lefeu at 8-7-2016 01:10 ]