Subject: Share your close call or getting busted by the SO stories
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Post at 1-6-2016 22:49  Profile P.M. 
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Share your close call or getting busted by the SO stories

Well I'lll be the first..

So the SO has been away on a trip for few weeks and during that time I went punting a few times and this was approximately just a month and a half ago. When she came back I think we had sex maybe 2 or 3 times and we usually do unprotected sex, I just pull out in time and so far so good lol.

Anyways just yesterday I woke up at like 4 am and noticed the SO was not in bed beside me, she later came out of the washroom and reported that it feels funny and kind of hurts when she pees, and from 4 am to 8 am I think she has been in the bathroom like 15 times in and out as at this point she has an urge to frequently pee. Here I am thinking is it possible that I contraced something and passed it to her? I did some googling and got scared as the symptoms i searched for mostly point to STDs such as gonorrhea or chlamydia. Then I really got scared, I know that these two can be cured easily but it's an obvious deal breaker in the relationship which leads to many questions once the doctor tells her what she got. I was thinking damn how can it be beause I have no symptoms at all, but google says its very common to not show any symptoms so it doesnt rule out the fact that I could be a carrier. I thought back about my recent history and I only had 2 BBBJs from two different HGs, everything else was capped. I narrowed the down the first first korean HG I had who gave me amazing deep throat but I did remember seeing some pills on the desk of which she said she is recovering from flu (maybe had chlamydia and did not now it). Either was it seemed like the odds are really against me of this being unrelated to me so I was thinking about a last ditch story and see if I can pass off saying Chlamydia can lay dorment for years and show no symptoms so hey who knows might be from one of our EX in the past but yeah theres not much I could think of as lousy as it is.

I told to her try to call in sick for work book an adhoc appointment with the gynecologists she saw before for a mammography check up by explaining your situation. She managed to get an appointment early in the afternoon. Let me tell you I was scared and anxious as fuck as I await what the SO will say on whatsapp, could not even concentrate with my work. Then I get a message and she said the doctor diagnosed her with two things, GASTROENTERITIS and URETHRITIS and most importantly she seemed ok. I think the gastroenteritis was a big red herring in that helped the  whole ordeal as it can change the story or conclusion on which way the doctor may take the whole thing. Urethritis itself can also be general as google says it can is really a condition in the specific area caused by bacteria infection and that it COULD result from Chlamydia. At this point I asked my SO more questions but not so much as to incriminate myself and raise suspicions. It turns out one of the questions the doctor asked my SO was "do you have unprotected sex?" and I think the SO only answered "well I don't think I'm pregnant." The doctor also asked her if she had her period yet of which the SO answered she has not. The doctor said well then you might be pregnant (oh no..). I tried asking the SO in what way did the doctor diagnosed you and I think she said she was only questioned about the symptoms she is experiencing. I asked the SO, really she didn't do any examnatons? The SO said oh she used some sort of smearing paper but I cant really be sure about this part as she told me verbally later. Phew! I'm clear.

I must say the doctor must be very wise as to not as too many questions to make ideas such as infidelity pop up in the SO head or maybe I guess the doctor wouldn't even be able to tell her what bacteria it was (although I want to know) because only lab test can say exactly. She simply prescribed my SO some Amoxicilin, which I later read although not listed in WebMD as the common anti biotic to treat Chlamydia if it happened to be that but it is also effective in treating it. She even wrote my SO a sick day off note and only listed Gastroenteritis on it only instead of including Urethritis as well I guess for privacy reasons and just told her to come for a checkup a week later or something and drink lots of water and cranberry juice. All I can say is if it really isnt an STD then it is way too coincidental and real nasty scared I did some research to see where I can get tested (I think I better do t, what do you bros think?), I clicked the first link google provided and damn... I called in and the full package checkup is 5000 hkd while simply checking for Chlamydia is 680. But I searched some more and found out department of health has a few clinics that offer all this for free, maybe not as fast but hey its free so might as well utilize the government's money.

Anyways I am too traumatized after this to punt at least for now and I think I will just stick with CAPPED BJ. The SO said she starting to feel better now that she is taking the antibiotics and later in the night her period also came. Phew!

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CunningLinguist   3-6-2016 10:32  Acceptance  +3   Thx for sharing. What might SOs do while away though...
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Post at 2-6-2016 16:01  Profile P.M. 
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well here is an update, started suffering from stonach flu yesterday so i called in sick for work. Thought this would be the right opportunity to head to the government social hygene clinics to get a free screening.

Lets just say I'm a little doubtful. All they did was draw some blood, and have me pull down my pants to have a quick casual glance. The guy basically saying to me we can'tscreen you for chlamydia or gonorrhea because you don't have any symptoms, the description of a disease is that there are symptoms, when I kept arguing with them that Chlamydia can remain dormant so it doesn't exclude me from being a carrier than can pass it onto a female. I was expecting a cotton swab up the urethra or urine sample and I even brought that up but he said it will not show up. Correct me if I'm wrong but is he just blatantly lying? Well if is I wonder if I should still go pay neo clinic and fork up the money to get it done right. Can't count on someone on the government payroll.
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Post at 2-6-2016 16:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 daru567's post

that's why the government hospitals and clinics are over worked with people like you !  
go to a GP and pay to get yourself tested and don't burden our already overloaded health care system
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Post at 2-6-2016 17:21  Profile P.M. 
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No need to flame me bro, they have the health care system and programs like these for preventive measures. I'm a tax payer so I'm entitled to these services. It's not like I'm asking them for same day report, the wait time is up to 3 weeks and its not like they are working overtime to meet the work load threshold, just all in a days work.
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Post at 2-6-2016 17:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 daru567's post

when you go to the government clinics for testing the results naturally takes time to come back,
you question their way of doing things and what they told you,
you tell us you need to get a private test to get it done right because you can't count on government workers ...
by what you just said you will get yourself tested elsewhere anyway, no ? or is that just 'talk' on a forum ?
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Post at 2-6-2016 18:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 twiceAweek's post

They could have told me they are only testing more important things and have a priority system in place and just completely out of scope for there purposes. It's a hell of a difference than just lying and saying there is absolutely no way to find out unless I had symptoms. In fact he went so far as to say if I had chlamydia then for certain symptoms will show up, contrary to what online sources say. I could have been ignorant, trusted that answer and dropped it.

He used examples such as how he wouldn't be able to diagnose you with cancer when you got no signs of tumor. I did not sven continue to press the matter, for me a no was a no so don't need to give him shit and I sure as hell aint taking shit from you either.

[ Last edited by  daru567 at 2-6-2016 18:35 ]

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MothToAFlame   3-6-2016 00:41  Acceptance  -1   Unnecessary, dude
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Post at 13-6-2016 13:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 daru567's post

Mate as much as you're a tax payer, you've got an obligation to a significant other to test yourself quickly and get results asap. More so if you're going bareback with her. If anything you plan on taking a break of three weeks from boning her whilst your results are pending? That alone is a ticket to suspicion buddy.
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Post at 13-6-2016 23:29  Profile P.M. 
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woah guys - time out!  

no point fighting over the detail

The government service does a good job - and BOY do they have a lot of experience seeing clinical cases.  If there's anyone I'd trust it's them.  

But they do take their jolly time, in order to be efficient and minimise cost - what do you expect from a government service?  NeoHealth is the expensive but fast alternative.  They WILL do whatever test you ask them to do, just because you asked them to, because that's what they do to get their money.  Doesn't mean it's clinically necessary, they're happy for you to make the choice.  

GPs don't see anywhere near as many cases and I for one wouldn't trouble a GP, I'd go straight to the specialist.  

Seems to me that's all there is to it.  Yes he's going to get tested.  Yes it's likely he's clear and so is his wife.  And yes, nothing is as reassuring as a fast negative lab result.

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 20-6-2016 11:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 daru567's post

you are right daru, chlamydia is often asymptomatic and a simple urine test can check for it to make sure you've not got it. It is not true that you can't detect it when there are no symptoms. Sexual health clinics routinely screen people with no symptoms for chlamydia, so it seems bizarre that they didn't do so here. It is present in around 10% of the sexually active population, hence we are encouraged, in fact paid to screen for it in the young adult age groups here in the UK.

However, your SO's symptoms sound more like she's just picked up a urinary tract infection, which is common after sex, especially if she was dehydrated at all (which she probably would be with gastroenteritis). A simple urine dipstick test would diagnose it. Amoxicillin should cover it, although other antibiotics can be more effective since amoxicillin resistance is quite high in urine infections. Advise her to complete the course of antibiotics, drink plenty of fluids and go back to her doctor if the symptoms aren't better within a few days. Sooner if there's any fever or new back pain (could spread to kidneys)

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Post at 3-7-2016 16:15  Profile P.M. 
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But are there any good hospitals in Hong Kong?
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Post at 14-7-2016 01:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 raradidi's post

Whats your definition of good? Based on skill of the doctors or timeliness of your consultation and treatment?

Money always paves the way so public/government hospitals will always be overworked. I say it's as good as it can be.

Well sorry for getting heated up previously. I just don't think I was deliberately wasting the governments money, it wasn't the general hospital in case I didn't make it clear, it was a Male Social Hygiene Clinic which is free provided by the government and specifically for STD screening. If going their means me being a nuisance in wasting government resources in an unmeaningful way then I don't know who or what cases would ideally fit the category to use this service appropriately.

I'm really not complaining about the time it takes to get my report back. I'm just upset that the clinical worker there told me specifically that you can be diagnosed with chlamydia only if you have the symptoms. Either his knowledge is outdated or he is being irresponsible by giving a convenient answer to stop me from insisting that they give me a urine test. If it is the former then the truth would have been better if he had just said their priority is screening for far more serious STDs such as HIV or Syphilis and just suggest I go to a private clinic to test for Chlamydia, which I would find acceptable and understandable.

Just an update I was told I can expect a call within 3 weeks, it's past that and I never received a call. I guess no call means the results came out negative for Syphilis and HIV?

[ Last edited by  daru567 at 14-7-2016 01:50 ]

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