Originally posted by Jake at 15-8-2008 15:13
On the contrary, I think Picasso is a perfect example, although a little bit extreme.
I've no doubt Picasso was a fascinating guy, but I don't see how that's relevant to our aging Aussie and his failed marriage to a 22 yr-old Filipina. Seeing how things turned out, I think we can safely assume that she wasn't attracted to the guy because of his charisma. And I doubt Picasso would have had to travel to a 3rd-world country and buy a wife because he couldn't find a sexy young chick at home willing to walk around on his arm. But yah, sometimes young girls are attracted to older dudes for non-$ reasons. One can always find exceptions to any rule. But seeing that this argument is taking place in the context of whether or not a relationship with a WG can succeed, I don't think citing Picasso is all that useful.
Older guys who travel to poor countries to buy sex with beautiful young girls would more likely fall into a different category. A marriage between a older guy and a 3rd-world chick 30 yrs his junior, a girl originally attracted only by his money, two people who don't understand each others' cultures and have nothing in common but sex, that kind of relationship is an accident waiting to happen, regardless of the girl's previous profession. If all these examples everyone has given of failed relationships with WGs involve blatantly mercenary situations like that, then perhaps people are drawing the wrong conclusions from the failure of things to work out.
The only marriage with a WG I have personal experience of involved a Chinese-speaking, American student in Taiwan who married a Taiwanese girl (he didn't know she was a hooker) a few yrs younger than him. That marriage worked out because it was the outcome of a real relationship not just a financial transaction. When I say that a marriage with a WG can succeed, I'm referring to situations like that.
In any case, some years back, I read a biography of Picasso that was written by someone who interviewed many of his women; and tho they were, indeed, all overpowered by the guy's charisma, all of them were bitter at having being used, betrayed, and abandoned. So none of Picasso's relationships could be considered successful - tho Picasso was never interested in long-term relationships anyway, so I don't think he cared one way or the other. (I'm limiting myself here to talking about Picasso in light of tonto's previous post.)
Listen to me Jake, you've reached an age where a guy is expected to have come to terms with who he is. Bro, you're no Picasso. This idea that you're the exception, the fascinating older guy who's always going to be surrounded by beautiful young girls - you're setting yourself up for a fall big guy. Rather than Picasso, maybe you should give some thought to a fellow Englishman recently in the news - Gary Glitter.
Last edited by Marsupial at 17-8-2008 14:48 ]