Aura is a legend!
Aura is a legend!
It closed at the peak time when 5 reports appeared in this forum in the same day (16July2015). I believed this is a record that a massage parlour that ever made. I have visited this good place several times but regretted that nothing was ever written. As such, here is the 27th one.
Aura is customer-oriented and provided the quality service. I am not going in details on this since the quality is well known by its customers. I agreed with zebra’s 10 important tips on how to run a massage parlour successfully. Even more on that, Aura works from the minor points such as the greeting chocolates (usually Ferrero Rocher or Lindt), drinking material (purified water, sometime red wine when there is event), music, lighting, shower, as well as the personal hygiene. My last time there was that they have finished all the air-conditioners' cleaning works during the MERS period in early July.
Zbm said that we all have some great memories of AURA and our times there. It’s true. I am encouraging those who love Aura continue the story, and the legend.
Aura, I love you!
[ Last edited by sb013lina at 19-7-2015 21:24 ]