Subject: What is 大car車?
escritic (Just a teddy bear)
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Post at 9-12-2014 21:15  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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What is 大car車?

In the ad, they talk about 大car車 and getting a driver license. I don't think they are really talking about the girl getting a license or having a car. So what are they talking about?

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Post at 10-12-2014 15:45  Profile P.M. 
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Not sure if it's what it means but it might be chinese slang for Older Sister? If you say 大car車 .. it sounds like Big/Older Sister
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Post at 10-12-2014 18:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 trooper7's post

I thought 大車 meant DFK...but i might be wrong....I cant read chinese either. so some clarification would be cool!
escritic (Just a teddy bear)
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Post at 10-12-2014 21:38  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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Originally posted by micyoung at 10-12-2014 18:23
I thought 大車 meant DFK...but i might be wrong....I cant read chinese either. so some clarification would be cool!

That's what I was thinking or having suspicion. Because they have the old slang "dar kaaa loun" for kissing. I guess "small car" is LFK and "big car" is DFK?

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escritic (Just a teddy bear)
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Post at 10-12-2014 21:42  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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Originally posted by trooper7 at 10-12-2014 15:45
Not sure if it's what it means but it might be chinese slang for Older Sister? If you say 大car車 .. it sounds like Big/Older Sister

That is very true! It does sound like big sister.

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Post at 17-12-2014 13:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 escritic's post

Yes 大車 slang means DFK.
In the same way, "getting a driver's license" or "taking a driver's license test" is the process of seeing whether the girl will kiss or not, and then whether it is successful or not.

Recent Ratings
homer168   21-12-2014 10:35  Acceptance  +1   Interesting. I like big cars :p

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