Subject: KTV scene in CP
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Post at 18-7-2014 23:06  Profile P.M. 
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KTV scene in CP

Hi Guys,

I'm more into KTV than BBS and others.  Anybody know how the KTV scene is doing in CP?

Also, pricing and recommendations?

Got a group of friends that are thinking of going there early August.  Thanks.
jetsetting2much (Tally-ho!)
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Post at 19-7-2014 00:47  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by haomaru at 18-7-2014 23:06
Hi Guys,

I'm more into KTV than BBS and others.  Anybody know how the KTV scene is doing in CP?

Also, pricing and recommendations?

Got a group of friends that are thinking of going there early Augu ...

CP is on serious life-support.  The KTV scene is near-dead and Gong An "inspections" are a fact-of-life.  Never mind, no flower-streets, not even any line-ups. The only way to find girls is BYOG--and that means having Mommy connections......and from what I've been advised those Mommy's are actually recruiting from the same every-daily-dwindling pool.  

Hotel raids are ever-real possibility...they are happening.  Now, and everyday through the end of the current yanda.  Bad juju, my bro.  

Your best bet I'm being told these days is maybe Foshan, or Xiamen...where I'm told its KTV-business as usual, but farther travel and higher pricing.

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Post at 19-7-2014 02:38  Profile P.M. 
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CP KTV is dead

CP KTV scene is dead.
Maybe till end of the year i heard.
Entire place is suffering ...
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Post at 20-7-2014 13:10  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for your help guys.

Since CP is pretty much dead, does anybody know another location that KTV is alive and kicking?
jetsetting2much (Tally-ho!)
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Post at 20-7-2014 13:28  Profile P.M. 
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Two i'm personally aware of biz as usual are Shanghai and Macau.

I've been hearing good things about Taipei too, but no personal experience...yet.

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Post at 21-7-2014 16:25  Profile P.M. 
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Macau seems good. Been there last month and everything is legal there. Only drawback is the heavy pricing.
jetsetting2much (Tally-ho!)
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Post at 22-7-2014 02:40  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Abalonelover at 21-7-2014 16:25
Macau seems good. Been there last month and everything is legal there. Only drawback is the heavy pricing.

Way I look at it, its cheaper than posting 8,000-10,000 RMB bail at the CP Police Station and getting your passport Black-marked for 2 years (try explaining that to your Boss or SO)!


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