Subject: How to avoid po po raids - NYC
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Post at 10-6-2013 13:00  Profile P.M. 
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How to avoid po po raids - NYC

recently there's been a huge crackdown/bust in nyc. Anybody have intel on how the po po usually operate and how to avoid a raid?
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Post at 13-6-2013 12:02  Profile P.M. 
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Where do you get the information from ? otherwords, your source  thanks.....
doghead (dog)
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Post at 14-6-2013 03:29  Profile P.M. 
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What is a Po Po raid? Is that raid where my grandmother from my mom's side barges into my room and catches me masturbating or sleeping with slutty-type (not parent-approved type) girl?
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Post at 16-6-2013 06:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 JVincent's post

don't go is the best way!  confirmed  with my pps that lots of places got raided.   lot of the girls ar enot working bc they are afraid.
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Post at 16-6-2013 23:48  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by JVincent at 6/10/13 12:00 AM
recently there's been a huge crackdown/bust in nyc. Anybody have intel on how the po po usually operate and how to avoid a raid?

You sure ask a lot of questions about NYC but never contribute anything else here.

Who says "po po"? I can't tell if you're 6 years old or an urban thug with poor English skills.

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zizinzler   19-6-2013 06:31  Acceptance  -1   Irrelevant

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