Subject: Neptune III bar girls
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Post at 9-6-2013 22:23  Profile P.M. 
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Neptune III bar girls

Dear fellow punters. Am few months now in Hong Kong, but fairly new to WG. Recently I've been several times in Neptune III and like the place. Lots of girls and good chance to find very pretty ones. I like the concept of meeting the girls around a drink, rather than just knocking at the door.
However, i also had a few anoying experience where you hit on a girl but struggle to bring her back. it seems to me that some girls are just there to get a few drinks paid, but not to go with clients for more serious actions. They would go from one guy to another at the bar, but doesn't seem to leave the place with anyone.
I thought these girls were all freelancers, and it was a matter of being nice and how much you are ready to pay. But still there is something I seem to be missing here!

Please share your experience if there are a few tricks i could learn to increase my hit ratio!

Thanks, Bill

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Freelancer   9-6-2013 23:06  Acceptance  +1   Some are freelancers and others are fine making money with just bar drinks.
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Post at 9-6-2013 23:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Bill1975's post

Buy a girl a drink and she makes money off of it. Alot of the girls are in there to make money that way and are not interested in sex.

Buy a girl a drink and then immediatly ask her if she would like to come back to your hotel. If she says "I need to think about it" or "Maybe later" or "When my friend gets here" then she is just there for the drink money. Cut her off and move on.

A girl there for sex will say yes the second you ask her
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Post at 10-6-2013 00:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Bill1975's post

After buying a few wasted drinks myself, I have moved to this approach.  No drinks until our after drink activities were already agreed to by the both of us.  This may screen out some girls, but it is normally worth it.

Girls that are there for sex are willing to discuss details before or after you buy a drink.  Not a WC pro, but I have been successful in most of my activities.
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Post at 10-6-2013 21:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Bill1975's post

Yes, it happens.  I would guess that 85% of my attempts with a wanchai bargirl I expected to screw ended successfully, with her back in my room for fun.  

But about 15% put off the vibe I wanted and essentially fooled me into thinking we'ld be screwing whenever I was ready to go --- only to get shut down hours later when I finally suggest we head off together.  "I only here for drink commissions".  Grrr....  THAT is a frickn buzz-kill man!  Wasted hours and money.  

Another group of gals is pretty open with it and let you know rather early that she's a drinks-only gal.  Likewise, those nites that I am just in browse-mode and not planning to score I let the gal know it early:  "Hey, I am just partying tonite, by the way, so if you want to join me, cool, but I wont be taking anyone home."   Some stuck around and joined me for the evening (and asked to meet another time), others told me they needed to earn so had to move on.  Fair enough.  

The ones who say nothing piss me off..., but it really is up to you to ask.  If you're with a gal for a while and she never brings up the offer to go screw, than you NEED to ask her if you dont want a sad surprise later.  I dont (and wont) commit myself too early to any gal --- we need to click somewhat first.  So I try to resolve the uncertainty without making a commitment.  Just say, "Do you go out with men from the bar sometimes?".  If she says "yes, sometimes" or whatever, then great.. I know she's in the game, but havent committed yet.  Usually by the end of a drink, or maybe two, I have a good sense whether I want to commit my nite, and money, to her.

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